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Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
I'm "away from my desk" but I kind of want to try it if you think it is truly ready.  If we find future bugs will any fixes apply to all?
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

25 posts
This post was updated on Aug 08, 2018; 1:25am.
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
No, I don't believe there is anything we can do for Blogger.
Is there any other blog platform, where it is already solved or could be solved?
And what is the major problem with the issue?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
I'm "away from my desk" but I kind of want to try it if you think it is truly ready.  If we find future bugs will any fixes apply to all?
I enabled https on your site. It looks like it is working. May have to empty browser cache to see it.
Yes, bug fixes are applied to all forums.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
In reply to this post by goldenring20000
goldenring20000 wrote
Is there any other blog platform, where it is already solved or could be solved?
And what is the major problem with the issue?
I don't know about other platforms.
The issue is that you need access to a custom domain that you can set up for use with nabble. So you need access to the DNS records to add a cname record. And the base domain of that domain needs to match the domain of where you're embedding it. eg you set your forum custom domain to forum.mydomain.com and embed it on mydomain.com. So as far as I know, there's nothing you can do unless you have a custom domain. The best option is probably to try and turn off HTTPS if you can.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Thanks Raven.

Here's what is happening after all caches cleared:

When you hit REPLY to a post it actually works, but the screen doesn't take you from the reply window to the actually reply so it seems like it is not working.

Do you know what I mean?
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
Also in Topics View the most recent post links don't take you anywhere.

EDIT: The Topics View itself doesn't work.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
553 posts
Given all this, I'd like to wait to go HTTPS until the flurry of issues is resolved.  And that will give you more time to work the issues as well.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
In reply to this post by Harvey
Not sure if you are working on my site but forum is down.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
In reply to this post by Gary Lewis
Gary Lewis wrote
Given all this, I'd like to wait to go HTTPS until the flurry of issues is resolved.  And that will give you more time to work the issues as well.
Ha! Easy for you to say.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
When you hit REPLY to a post it actually works, but the screen doesn't take you from the reply window to the actually reply so it seems like it is not working.
I see it. I've passed it on to be fixed.
Turned off https again, cleared our cache so the problem last time I tried disabling it shouldn't happen. You may need to clear your cache again.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

67 posts
Here's another very small issue. When you go to a thread that has uploaded images in the message, it activates the not secure message in the browser saying "Parts of this page are not secure (such as images) when this happens the browser no longer displays a green secure lock but a yellow warning sign. While this doesn't mess with the functioning of the forum, it is a distraction especially to those who might be put off by such matters. You can thank Google for all the trouble.

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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
There are ways to take every image and make it https.  Not sure how to do on a Nabble site but we did it easily on my WP site.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>

Please help my https url is as follow:


my nabble url:


Our website is going operational it would be greatly appreciate if Nabble team could do this as earliest time possible.


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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Any progress on this?
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts

First you need to create a custom domain for your forum, for example forum.acceptbc.ca.
Create a CNAME record and point it to n8.nabble.com. There are details here: http://forum.76154.n8.nabble.com/help/DNSConfiguration.jtp

There are still bugs.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
Hi Raven,

My bad, I have already set up the sub-domain but got the url wrong. It's working now... So my next question is- Can you please make it https for us?

Thank you

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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
I enabled https, it appears to be working.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
Thanks Raven. Its working now
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Re: Https Protocol Request

1931 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven<Nabble> wrote
There are still bugs.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

24 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Hello Raven,

I appreciate everyone's hard work on this highly requested feature.

I have a request and a problem.


Would you please enable https/ssl on two sites "forum.the55s.com" and "the-55-s.48759.n8.nabble.com"
Currently, the certificate for both indicates that it is invalid since it is for "forum.acceptbc.ca"


When time permits, you will also need to fix the certificate for 48759.n8.nabble.com AND n8.nabble.com both of then need to be "wild card" certificates.

This is important for two reasons
1. it will allow/enable the use of https/ssl  for embeded forums (if hosted on n8.nabble.com) and
2. When submitting the https/ssl version of the site to google, it will be accepted and not rejected.

Thank you!
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