Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

Raven, I've created a subdomain, so how do I proceed now. Turning off SSL is not an option.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

It's the usual setting up custom domain steps. There are some instructions at Options>Application>Change domain name on your forum. You need to go to your dns records and set a cname record pointing a subdomain to (in your case) The domain should redirect to the Nabble homepage if configured correctly. Then set it on the change domain page.

You can still access your site to do this. On Chrome, click on the shield with a cross in the right side of the url bar, and click load unsafe scripts.

Let me know when you've done that and then I can set up the https on our side.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
I assume I should be hiding and watching, that y'all are trying to figure out why it didn't work.  Right?

Just making sure.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I'm hoping the same.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Harvey and Gary, I will try to get Flick's site working since his is not currently working.Once I know the outcome of that I will get back to you.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Thank you!
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Yes, thank you!  That's the right priority in my mind.  Mine's working fine, so help Flick first.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I'm going to try posting again here and see if I can get a response this time.

How do I get my forum to embed within my https site?  

It sounds as though there is a solution now.  Is this correct?
It sounds as though I need to setup https on my own site (done,, and that https has to be set up on my forum (  If that is the case, how is that done?  Is this something that Raven is doing for groups?

I am appreciative of your assistance.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I don't think an embedded forum will work yet. At least it didn't for me and Gary yesterday. We're told it is being worked on.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Very good.  I must have misunderstood the thread above.  I'm hopefully subscribed to the right places to know when there is a solution.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Ok, I've done that. I've set up the CNAME-Record for my new subdomain to point to The ball is back in your court.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Flick, I have added the HTTPS. Next you will need to change the embed links on your page to https.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Is that what the issue was?

If the embed link was still http it wouldn't load?
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

The forum I've used in testing does not work if the embed links are not https, it just shows a link, like Flick's site.
The 404 issue appears to be a different problem, some generated urls look wrong. Probably a fixable bug.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Thanks for working on this.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
No luck, so far.  I've changed both embedded links on my page to https but it still does not load.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

At this point I'm not sure that anything can be done.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Flick
Gentlemen, I don't mean to rush you but my forum has been down for an entire week. I really need to get it back up and into operation. What steps do I have to take next?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I'll ask someone else and see if there's a fix.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Your embed codes need to point to the new subdomain.
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