Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

I wish I knew.

In my view, Israel's update of his post (I can't remember what it originally said) didn't provide an answer to the questions in my reply, which would give an answer to folk in your position and who need to know:

1. What they should do
e.g. do you need to turn on https at the time of posting a request to activate https or only after Nabble have done whatever they need to do at their end, or do they need to wait until after Nabble have done their bit to switch to https

2. How (and in what timescale) Nabble would respond.
Because that will affect when a request might be posted as there's the possibility a site will be left with a link to a forum when it should appear embedded.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
I've been wondering about all of those things as well.  And then I came to the realization that I have to put HTTPS on my whole website in order to be able to turn it on for my embedded Nabble forum.  But I don't have the needed certificate for my website, and they want significant money to get the certificate, so I'm not ready to do that.

Assuming that my understanding is correct, I rescind my request for HTTPS on the Bullnose forum:

I hope I haven't caused any extra work for the folks at Nabble.  
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Free HTTPS certificates:
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Wooo Hooo!  Let me look into that.  Thanks!
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Ok, I've looked into it and it should be an easy thing to get HTTPS on my Weebly site.  However, there's something odd going on that doesn't let me flip the switch to turn it on, so I'm working that with them.

So, please continue on with SSL for the Nabble portion.  However, that is assuming that once you do that the forum will still work but won't be "secure" until I can successfully flip the switch.  Is that correct?
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

You should be alright if the forum is secure and the outer window isn't, just not the reverse.

Be so great to get this done.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Makes sense, but then what do I know.  (I retired from 40 years in IT, but I'd been promoted to my level of incompetence long ago, and had people working for me who had people working for them who knew what they were doing.)

Anyway, I sure appreciate the help.  
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Alright, Weebly has done their bit and I can enable SSL on the whole of the site.  In fact, I have done that and, as expected, the forum won't load.  So, having turned SSL off I'm now ready for your bit.

I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Harvey and Gary, I enabled the SSL for your forums, can you try turning on SSL for your site?

Sparkle, I don't think there is anything we can do for Blogspot, it might be best to try and turn off SSL if you can.

Flick, to get SSL to work, you'll need to make a subdomain for the forum. But for now you can turn off SSL on your site to get the forum working again.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

This post was updated on .
I am getting a 404. Are you?

for some reason this:

redirects to this:

Which is a 404.

Won't be able to turn on the ssl for an  hour or so.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
When I enable SSL on the site the forum doesn't load.  And if I click on the Bullnose Enthusiasts hotlink while SSL is enabled on the site I do get a 404.

So I've disabled SSL on the site.  And then the forum works fine.

What next?  Am I doing something wrong or missing a step?
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Seems like that is the same thing happening to me.

Hopefully Raven comes back before midnight.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

It's weird that I can't make the main page come up, but any link to a subforum or post seems to work.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I reversed the https changes. It should be back to normal, not sure why it's not working.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
I can't tell any difference between with and w/o https on the forum.  As long as I don't enable it on the website the forum works fine either way.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Have you tried disabling HTTPS on your site?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

We have changed nothing from before you made your change.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Raven<Nabble> [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Have you tried disabling HTTPS on your site?

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HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

The site appears to be working now. I suspect it was a caching issue. Not sure whether us or Cloudflare or something else. Sorry for the trouble.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I thought it might be a cache thing and cleared. But didn't think of cloudflare, maybe that was it.

Any idea how to proceed?

Let me know before you do anything as my developer is away on vacation for the next 5 days.
HTTPS Please!
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