Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

I tried that and it didn't work. The embed codes need to have the nabble code in them, then nabble should redirect to the designated board.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven<Nabble> wrote
I'll ask someone else and see if there's a fix.
Thank you for being persistent. This is really crucial.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Flick
Flick wrote
I tried that and it didn't work. The embed codes need to have the nabble code in them, then nabble should redirect to the designated board.
Can you please change it so that I can take a look?
If it's correct, you should get a 404 error which was what Harvey and Gary were getting (some link inside the iframe is broken). Then I'll see if I can find a solution for that.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

This post was updated on .
It works.  My forum finally loaded with the last fix provided by Raven. My site and the forum are now both using https and fully functioning. Thanks to Raven and GregChapman and others who persisted in keeping this problem out there until it was resolved. Here's what my new embed code now looks like:

<a id="nabblelink" href="">My Forum Title</a>
<script src=""></script>
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Yippee!!  That has to be a good feeling.  I know how concerned I was when my forum was sorta down for 12 hours, so I can't imagine how bad it was for you.  
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
What is the next step?

If you do mine now it should be ok until my developer can flip the outer page to https right?  He can do it Monday am.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
I'm not in a hurry, so I'm happy to wait until Harvey's is done - or even another if that is needed.  I think I'm last on the list.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Harvey
While waiting for your developer, you can take care of the C-name issues in the interim. That won't affect your current operation while at the same time eliminate one step you will have to do later.

Reven wrote
You need to go to your dns records and set a cname record pointing a subdomain to (in your case) The domain should redirect to the Nabble homepage if configured correctly.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

This post was updated on .
Not sure what you mean. I think my URL already has a C name?

one thing I do see is that I have this in my code and you don't:


so currently my code looks like this:

<a id="nabblelink" href="">NYSkiForums</a>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Can't I just change it to https?
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Your embed code should look exactly like mine except for replacing with your domain name. Notice how my URL has https in it whereas your does not. That's a change you'll make once you are running on https. You can contact your host and ask them to make a C-name entry for your new SSL address which will include https in the URL and point to
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Re: Https Protocol Request

The only bug I see with the new https is small. When you visit a thread at the bottom of the last message a "Return to the Forum" button appears which takes you back from whence you came. It doesn't work. Nothing happens when you click on it. A quick fix on that would be nice. Thanks Raven.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

SIgnup activation links are still broken because they point to the subdomain which has broken links, broken redirect. This is some sort of bug. I'll have to look into this.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Flick it has been fixed, things appear to be all working now.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven what does this mean for the rest of us? Please let me know the timing before you move.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Assuming nothing else is broken, I should be able to do everyone else's sites. Your site, Gary's site etc.
Let me know when you're ready, I can do it tomorrow or whenever you're ready.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
If there is nothing else to do, then I'm ready.  But I'm in no hurry so put Harvey first if he's ready.

However, the "outage" last Wednesday night was painful, so if there's a potential for a problem then I'm a bit cautious.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
I guess if you think you are ready do mine too.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Thank you for all your hard work. I'm testing the message board out and everything seems to be working even better than it did before. I just came across one you missed however:  the cancel button doesn't work. I just tested the reply button and decided not to leave a message so I hit the cancel button and nothing happen. The cancel button doesn't work anywhere. Sorry for creating so much work for you but you did ask.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Is there a way to solve the problem on blogger blog?
Just changing to HTTPS doesn't help
Any hope for us?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Flick wrote
 The cancel button doesn't work anywhere.

goldenring20000 wrote
Is there a way to solve the problem on blogger blog?
No, I don't believe there is anything we can do for Blogger.
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