Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

How do i go about getting HTTPS for my embedded forum on

many thanks
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Nabble is not (as far as I know) set up to handle the redirection you are trying to accomplish. I suggest not using a www on a subdomain. Use it without the www, and you can set www to redirect to non-www in your dns settings if needed.

Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea to enable https for any more users until recent bugs are fixed.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Is there a time line for the bug fixes,  so I can set a reminder?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

This post was updated on .
The timeline for chrome is October 1.  Chrome is going to get very obvious about security warnings to users on that date.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

The fixes have been released today so I think it is safe to start doing HTTPS again.

You need to set a custom domain for your forum. You should set a subdomain on the same base domain as the site you're embedding on, eg You'll need to set a CNAME record to point the subdomain to (in your case), and then set the domain in Options > Application > Change Domain Name. Information here:
Once you've set up the domain, let me know and I can enable HTTPS on our end.

Whenever you're ready I can re-enable HTTPS for your site.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Raven<Nabble> wrote
Whenever you're ready I can re-enable HTTPS for your site.
My developer is unavailable until tomorrow.  Let's try then.

Can you explain to me what would potentially go wrong?
HTTPS Please!
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RE: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>

Thanks Raven, will do.

Will the forum be unavailable until all steps are completed?


From: Raven<Nabble> [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]>
Sent: 26 September 2018 15:31
To: Julio <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Https Protocol Request


The fixes have been released today so I think it is safe to start doing HTTPS again.

You need to set a custom domain for your forum. You should set a subdomain on the same base domain as the site you're embedding on, eg You'll need to set a CNAME record to point the subdomain to (in your case), and then set the domain in Options > Application > Change Domain Name. Information here:
Once you've set up the domain, let me know and I can enable HTTPS on our end.

Whenever you're ready I can re-enable HTTPS for your site.

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RE: Https Protocol Request

No, there shouldn't be any downtime.

Most of the bugs are mixed-content errors. That is, part of the page doesn't load, which in turn breaks functionality. So something could break, but at this point it will likely be minor.
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RE: Https Protocol Request

Gary Lewis
Can you do Harvey and then, assuming that goes well, do my forum?  I'm not in a hurry and there's nothing on my forum needing security.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website:
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I am still getting the mixed content error for images. 

Everything else seems to be working. 

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Re: Https Protocol Request

A few bugs

1. The "Topics View" link redirects to the http version. 

2. After clicking the "Feeds" button the two links presented to the user ("Topics Only" and "Topics and replies" do not start with https. 

But, this is just a display issue the actual "href" source is relative so, it will go to he secure version when the links are clicked. 
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Re: Https Protocol Request

My blog is now HTTPS but the embedded forum is still showing as unsecure.
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RE: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven we are ready to try this morning. I have my developer standing by for an hour or so.  Can you post here after you make the change so we can make one change on our end?
HTTPS Please!
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RE: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven did you push this just now? My site is down and my web developer is unavailable on a Sunday morning.

Looks like the issue is on chrome.

Would really appreciate a heads up on this.
HTTPS Please!
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RE: Https Protocol Request

Harvey, I haven't made any changes yet. Site is working for me.
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RE: Https Protocol Request

This is what I am getting in chrome:

HTTPS Please!
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RE: Https Protocol Request

Hello Harvery,

This is on your end.

Your nabble code is relative and it's going off how the users enter your site.

This is how it is now:

<script src="//...

You should be set as per below, since https is not on:

<script src="http://...
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RE: Https Protocol Request


Before I followed your advice, I cleared my cached in Chrome and the forum loaded.

I made the change you suggested but this is something that has been set up this way (without the http) since the beginning, for several years, so not sure why I had the issue today.

Should I have http in both places?

<div style="min-height: 900px; background-color: #f4f4e4; color: #f4f4e4; margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -6px; margin-right: -6px; border: 0 !important;"><a id="nabblelink" href="">NYSkiForums</a>
<script src="" type="text/javascript" ></script></div>
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Hello Harvey,

Yes. You should make the change in both paces. It is the recommended nabble instructions when settting up the custom domain. 

Just remember to change it to "https" when and if it's enabled on your forum. 

My comment is that, using the full URL for all external sources is good practice, otherwise you will get unpredictable results (working for me, and not for you, etc) and it is difficult to troubleshoot later on. 

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Re: Https Protocol Request

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
I found bugs or error in the appearance of the link in the Subcategories sidebar widget
I use the news application type for my nabble

After using https, the Subcategories title link in the sidebar widget  and people_widget are still uses http, but there is no error in the archive widget (the links is displayed using https as desired).

and several links on several different pages that have not been updated.

An example that has not been updated as below:
                        <li class="medium-border-color"><n.current_node.node_link.url/></li>

and people_widget
<n.page_node.people_link text="[t]All Users[/t]" class="people-small-link"/>
and many others
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