HTTPS Protocol

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HTTPS Protocol

Israel <Nabble>
This post was updated on .
From now on Nabble users can switch from HTTP to HTTPS protocol.
1) Users should have their own domain to apply the changes.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

Can you explain what is needed in various scenarios. For example is there any difference between what you need to know and what the user needs to do when:

1. They just run a Nabble forum and their users are complaining about the "Insecure site" warnings they get from their browser when logging in.

2. They run a Nabble forum, and have purchased a domain name and SSL certificate to use with it.

3. They embed their forum in a Weebly, Wix or similar online "no coding required" hosting service and they get an "https" address by default.

4. They have a site based with traditional hosting service supplier and embed a Nabble forum within it and wish to implement https on their domain.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

I have a Nabble forum embedded in a blogspot blog - what are we supposed to be doing about this - if anything?

From now on Nabble users can switch from HTTP to HTTPS protocol.
1) Users should have their own domain to apply the changes.
2) Users should buy their own certificate so that we can install it on our servers.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
Can someone please help... How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do?
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

I would also like to know the answer to this.
I had to upgrade to HTTPS to run something else.
From reading various threads it appears that changing a site (from HTTP) to HTTPS renders is not working in an embedded style and just puts a link on the page.
Is this so? That's all I'm getting.
If so, please tell me how to get the forum working again. As simply as possible please.

Someone has already asked
"Can someone please help... How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do? "

Many thanks in advance
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

Tester wrote
From reading various threads it appears that changing a site (from HTTP) to HTTPS renders is not working in an embedded style and just puts a link on the page.
Is this so?
How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do? "
Yes. See this post:
and after setting up what you need to do post a request in that topic.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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RE: HTTPS Protocol


Hi  Greg
I think I've done this correctly
I've set up a CNAME on my hosting server called
However, I'm not entirely sure what to do now other than inform you that this has been done.
Where do I put the html for the forum?
Does it have to be in a folder with a particular name?
What should I call the page? Does that have to have a particular name?
Many thanks for your help



From: GregChapman [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]>
Sent: 02 February 2019 22:00
To: Tester <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: HTTPS Protocol


Tester wrote

From reading various threads it appears that changing a site (from HTTP) to HTTPS renders is not working in an embedded style and just puts a link on the page.
Is this so?


How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do? "

See this post:
and after setting up what you need to do post a request in that topic.

Just a Volunteer Nabble Helper - because the nice folk at Nabble have helped me!
GregHelp - Building a set of answers to Nabble FAQs.


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RE: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by GregChapman

Hi  Greg
I think I've done this correctly
I've set up a CNAME on my hosting server called
However, I'm not entirely sure what to do now other than inform you that this has been done.
Where do I put the html for the forum?
Does it have to be in a folder with a particular name?
What should I call the page? Does that have to have a particular name?
Many thanks for your help




From: GregChapman [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]>
Sent: 02 February 2019 22:00
To: Tester <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: HTTPS Protocol


Tester wrote

From reading various threads it appears that changing a site (from HTTP) to HTTPS renders is not working in an embedded style and just puts a link on the page.
Is this so?


How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do? "

See this post:
and after setting up what you need to do post a request in that topic.

Just a Volunteer Nabble Helper - because the nice folk at Nabble have helped me!
GregHelp - Building a set of answers to Nabble FAQs.


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RE: HTTPS Protocol

Hi Tester,

You need to reply to Raven's post at:
Note: Give the URL of the forum as on the Nabble server.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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HTTPS on weebly

Hi,  I got no reply for days now on the other https thread.

My https site's nabble forum is not working -

I've created a hosting CNAME to point 'forum' to '' - no idea if this will work, as my site is on Weebly,

I've created a sub-domain - do i need to point the weebly forum link at that instead of the existing forum url?

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Re: HTTPS on weebly

There's been a response now!
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by GregChapman
I now have some general guidance available at:

Please reply to this post to offer detailed instructions, screen dumps, etc, that illustrate any of the steps on specific platforms, particularly popular ones such as Weebly and Wix and I'll incorporate them into my notes.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
dear Israel,

sorry for this question, but are you sure that people need to buy a domain to have SSL?

I mean, why can't it be implemented server-wise, too?

I have no objection to registering a domain, not at all :)
BUT it happens that some forums have been using the same URL for AGES ...
and they would be stupid to drop it for a privately owned domain name...

now that SSL is absolutely FREE, thanks to (whom uses at the opening page, too), I see zero obstacles... and I don't understand why couldn't Letsencrypt's FREE certificates be installed over the the entire server?

I mean, before Letsencrypt.. when a certificate would cost  a significant amount and not everybody would want one... it would certainly make sense to allow SSL on a per forum basis..

but now that it is FREE for ALL, it could be.. applied for all forums... and everybody's life would be nicer and easier, wouldn't it? :)

BTW, thanks for the wonderful & free service! :)

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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
Hello.... Please!!!  Application for Https Protocol Setup in my forum.


Thank so much, i waiting... :)
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

Israel <Nabble>
HTTPS enabled.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

This post was updated on .
Thanks, but the main forum page is not 100% secure. Only as topic pages. You cannot access the forum with your main page on my website because of this. Could you fix it for me? When entering the forum on the main page, an "information" icon appears when displaying the lock.

The HTTPS security block icon is displayed only in the forum topics. Please help me!

Not totally safe https
Totally safe https

my official site:
(The embed of the main forum page does not work)
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
I have embedded the link into blogger (page) but it only shows a link to the Nabble forum and does not integrate it.
Could you please help me fix it?

Many thanks in advance.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
Request for Https Protocol Setup.


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Re: HTTPS Protocol

Israel <Nabble>
Https enabled.
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Re: HTTPS Protocol

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
I have my domain at that forwards to my Nabble forum.

May I get my forum enabled for https so I can embed it properly?
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