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Όποιος θέλει μου στέλνει μήνυμα για να με βοηθήσει .
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θέλω να βοηθήσω με την ελληνική μετάφραση.
i want to help with Greek translation |
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Thanks for helping. You can post questions and I will help you.
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I started with the Greek translation.
Ι translate the file from English to Portuguese, but from English to Greek. I'm about halfway I will take some time. When I have finished, i will upload the file for further instructions and corrections. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (in Greek) Ξεκίνησα με την μετάφραση στα Ελληνικά. Μεταφράζω το αρχείο από τα Αγγλικά στα Πορτογαλικά, αλλά από Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά. Βρίσκομαι περίπου στα μισά θα μου πάρει κάποιο χρόνο. Όταν τελειώσω θα ανεβάσω το αρχείο για περισσότερες οδηγίες και διορθώσεις. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Nabble |
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Κάνε τα τελευταία ... Πάρε μια γεύση εως τώρα ... Download File
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In reply to this post by Ntinos 24
I am finished with the translation in Greek.( I am tired)
I am waiting for further information maybe the translation need some correction. Must see it in action. So it is in beta version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Greek Έχω τελειώσει με τη μετάφραση στα ελληνικά. (Είμαι κουρασμένος) Περιμένω για περισσότερες πληροφορίες Στη μετάφραση ίσως χρειάζονται κάποιες διορθωσεις. Πρέπει να δω τις λέξεις στην πράξη. Έτσι είναι σε έκδοση beta ακόμα ----------------------------------------------------- Here is the file lang_ell.txt |
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Nice work, Angelo! Thanks a lot!
Below you can find some sentences that were broken or forgotten in the file. If possible, please translate them again and I will fix the file for you: <translation><from>All posts</from><to>Todas as mensagens</to></translation> <translation><from>Assignee</from><to>Encarregado</to></translation> <translation><from>Change or remove your avatar image.</from><to>Mude ou remova sua imagem de perfil.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you didn't request this email or have no idea why you received it, please ignore it. It might have been a mistake from someone else.</from><to>Se você não pediu esse email ou não tem idéia porque recebeu isso, entΓ£o ignore-o. Pode ter sido um erro de outra pessoa.</to></translation> <translation><from>Normal</from><to>Normal</to></translation> <translation><from>Prices are in US Dollars. This checkout process uses <n.amazon_payments_link.>AmazonPayments</n.amazon_payments_link.>, which enables Amazon customers to use the payment methods stored in their Amazon.com account to pay for goods and services on websites and applications accepting Amazon Payments.</from><to>Os preços estão em Dólares dos Estados Unidos. Esse processo de compra utiliza o <n.amazon_payments_link.>AmazonPayments</n.amazon_payments_link.>, que permite aos clientes da Amazon usar os métodos de pagamento definidos em suas contas na Amazon.com para pagar por produtos ou serviços em websites e aplicações que aceitam o Amazon Payments.</to></translation> <translation><from>You can also <n.manage_banned_users_link.>manage banned users</n.manage_banned_users_link.> in <t.location/>.</from><to>Μπορείτε επίσης να <n.manage_banned_users_link.>gerenciar usuários banidos</n.manage_banned_users_link.> em <n.location/>.</to></translation> <translation><from>Your subscription to <t.location/> has been successfully removed.</from><to>Η συνδρομή σας για <n.location/> foi removida com sucesso.</to></translation> When you finish the sentences above I will make it available on the website so that you can test the translation in your forum. Also, please post a link to your Nabble apps and we will give you 60,000 ad-free credits as a way to say "thank you"! |
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This post was updated on Dec 17, 2011; 3:57pm.
I fix the broken sentences
i make the translations the txt is in utf-8 i edit the txt file with Notepad++ If other errors will be happy to help -------------------------------------------- The txt file with the correction is here lang_ell.txt --------------------------------------------- My Nabble apps http://x.2313076.n4.nabble.com/ Thanks to Nabble |
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I completed the translation. Where to upload the file ;
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@Angelo , διόρθωσα τα ορθογραφικά λάθη και έβαλα ήδη την σωστή κωδικοποίηση , σε ευχαριστώ που προσφέρθηκες και βοήθησες .
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Upload it here. Hugo will make it available on a website, so that we can test the translation in your forum
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ανέβασέ το κάπου εδώ. Ο Hugo <Nabble> θα κάνει διαθέσιμη την ελληνική γλώσσα σε κάποιο forum για να γίνουν και οι τελικές διορθώσεις. More-upload a file |
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Soon the greek translation will be available. I will let you guys know about that.
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Thank you Hugo, that make available the Greek language.
It's almost perfect Need some detailed corrections I will examine the translation within the applications carefully and i will send you the corrections for the final translation |
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Please make your changes in the file below because it has some corrections I have made:
lang_ell.naml Thanks! |
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hi , this file is ansi codec .... I made the Utf-8 file ...
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 08:02:51 -0800 From: [hidden email] To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Greek Transaltion - I repair the broken sentences Please make your changed in the file below because it has some corrections I have made: lang_ell.naml Thanks! Official Nabble Administrator - we never ask for passwords.
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That file is in UTF-8. You can right-click and "Save file as...".
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Yes, but must already be in UFT-8 because the beta version will not be read by users Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 08:12:12 -0800 From: [hidden email] To: [hidden email] Subject: RE: Greek Transaltion - I repair the broken sentences That file is in UTF-8. You can right-click and "Save file as...". Official Nabble Administrator - we never ask for passwords.
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Which editor are you using?
In any case, if you want to make changes, please make sure you use my file as your initial file. |
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EditPlus Pro .... Do not forget that I am only 10 years old :P
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 08:51:39 -0800 From: [hidden email] To: [hidden email] Subject: RE: Greek Transaltion - I repair the broken sentences Which editor are you using? In any case, if you want to make changes, please make sure you use my file as your initial file. Official Nabble Administrator - we never ask for passwords.
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In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
I changed few unintelligible phrases such as this:
<translation> <from> Examples: '[the-list]', 'Abc:', etc. </ from> at <to> Examples: "[List] ',' Abc: ', etc. </ to> </ translation> because doesnt says "My List" However a very good job Angel .... |
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