Our Arsepo team would like to help with Nabble translation into Czech if you are interested.
That's great news. Please make sure you have the latest portuguese translation file from this thread:
http://nabble-support.1.n2.nabble.com/Getting-Started-tp6670642p6670642.html You can post questions on this forum and I will help you out. Thanks a lot for the help! |
We have completed the translation into Czech. I sent a private message to Hugo.
Thanks a lot! I will make some tests and hopefully this language will be available after the next release.
Please post a link to your app(s) and we will give you ad-free credits as a way to say "thank you". |
I added 60,000 ad-free credits to your forum.
In reply to this post by Sonia
I'm getting some exceptions when Czech translation is used. For example when tried to manage users or when clicke RSS feeds on the main page.
Thanks for reporting this issue. Please post here the full exception message or a link to the broken page so that I can take a closer look.
Problem is on this forum: http://diskuze-fotoklubu-zoom.2785.n6.nabble.com/
Using this link (it's feed link on the main page): http://diskuze-fotoklubu-zoom.2785.n6.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=feeds&node=4335699 Similar problem I get when I try to use this link: http://diskuze-fotoklubu-zoom.2785.n6.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=manage_users_and_groups I guess there could be some more. It seems like Czech translation missing, but in that case it would be great if some English default could be used. Thank you, David |
This post was updated on .
Davide, některé věty nejsou přeloženy protože jsme neměli podklady. Nabble nám je nedodal. Proto je část fóra stále v angličtině. Ráda bych Vám pomohla, ale nemůžu se už několik dní dostat na své fórum. Hlásí mi to stále OVERLOAD.
Dekuji za odpoved, bylo by pekne, kdyby byly v anglictine, ale misto
toho se mi zobrazi pouze chybova stranka. Snad si s tim spravci poradi. David M. 2012/1/30 Sonia [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]>: > Davide, některé věty nejsou přeloženy protože jsme neměli podklady. Proto > je část fóra stále v angličtině. Ráda bych Vám pomohla, ale nemůžu se už > několik dní dostat na své fórum. Hlásí mi to stále OVERLOAD. > > ________________________________ > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion > below: > http://nabble-support.1.n2.nabble.com/Czech-Translation-tp6881863p7237863.html > To unsubscribe from Czech Translation, click here. > NAML |
In reply to this post by dmaixner
I fixed the problem, please take a look.
Besides that, I see that you removed the Nabble footer from your forum. This is not allowed. Please put the "Powered by Nabble" back together with the link to view the NAML source code (you can use a simple anchor text like "NAML" if you want to, but you cannot hide that link). We will soon update our Terms of Use about this. |
Thank you.
Sorry, I didn't know that, I will fix it soon. David M. 2012/1/30 Hugo <Nabble> [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]>: > I fixed the problem, please take a look. > > Besides that, I see that you removed the Nabble footer from your forum. This > is not allowed. Please put the "Powered by Nabble" back together with the > link to view the NAML source code (you can use a simple anchor text like > "NAML" if you want to, but you cannot hide that link). We will soon update > our Terms of Use about this. > Official Nabble Administrator - we never ask for passwords. > > > ________________________________ > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion > below: > http://nabble-support.1.n2.nabble.com/Czech-Translation-tp6881863p7238081.html > To unsubscribe from Czech Translation, click here. > NAML |
In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
Can you please fix the month of July? In Czech is July červenec and abbreviation is Čvc
Look here: http://arsepo-forum.1055779.n5.nabble.com/ .....something is still in English..... Extras & add-onsChange ParentManage Pinned TopicsChange Permissions |
Thanks, Sonia. The month of july will be fixed after the next release. The other screens you mentioned are not ready for translations yet. Besides that, the translations we need for Czech are listed below. We can give you more 10,000 ad-free credits for helping us again.
<translation><from>Digest Email</from><to>Email de Resumo Diário</to></translation> <translation><from>on <t.date/></from><to>em <n.date/></to></translation> <translation><from>DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL</from><to>NÃO RESPONDA A ESTE EMAIL</to></translation> <translation><from>Replies sent to this address are not read or processed.</from><to>Respostas enviadas para este endereço não são lidas ou processadas.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want to respond to a post for which you received this email, please go to the website: <t.url/></from><to>Se você quiser responder a alguma mensagem recebida neste email, por favor visite o website: <n.url/></to></translation> <translation><from>new post</from><to>nova mensagem</to></translation><!-- usage example: "1 new post"--> <translation><from>new posts</from><to>novas mensagens</to></translation><!-- usage example: "2 new posts"--> <translation><from>New registered user in <t.location/>!</from><to>Novo usuário registrado em <n.location/>!</to></translation> <translation><from>User profile</from><to>Perfil do usuário</to></translation> <translation><from>New user:</from><to>Novo usuário:</to></translation> <translation><from><n.author/> wrote</from><to><n.author/> escreveu</to></translation> <translation><from>You still have <t.number/> day(s) left without advertising</from><to>Você ainda tem <n.number/> dia(s) sem anúncios.</to></translation> <translation><from>(Only administrators can see this message)</from><to>(Somente administradores podem ver esta mensagem)</to></translation> <translation><from>Some private items have been omitted because you don't have permission to view them.</from><to>Alguns itens privados foram omitidos porque você não possui permissão para vê-los.</to></translation> <translation><from>Please enter the email address you used to register and click on "Submit". We will email you a link to reset your password.</from><to>Por favor, informe o endereço de email que você usou para se registrar e clique em "Enviar". Nós enviaremos por email um link para você redefinir a sua senha.</to></translation> <translation><from>Submit</from><to>Enviar</to></translation> <translation><from>Password Reset Sent</from><to>Redefinição de Senha Enviada</to></translation> <translation><from>We have sent you a link to reset your password. Please check your email now. If you don't receive the instructions in a few minutes, check your spam folder or try to resend the request.</from><to>Nós enviamos para você um link para redefinir a sua senha. Por favor, verifique o seu email agora. Se você não receber as instruções em alguns minutos, verifique a pasta de spam ou lixo eletrônico, ou tente reenviar a solicitação.</to></translation> <translation><from>Reset your password / <t.location/></from><to>Redefinir sua senha / <n.location/></to></translation> <translation><from>We received a request to reset your password in <t.location/>.</from><to>Nós recebemos uma solicitação para redefinir sua senha em <n.location/>.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want to reset your password, click on the link below (or copy and paste the URL into your browser):</from><to>Se você quer mudar a sua senha, clique no link abaixo (ou cole e copie o link no seu navegador):</to></translation> <translation><from>If you don't want to reset your password, please ignore this message. Your password will not be reset.</from><to>Se você não quer mudar a sua senha, por favor ignore esta mensagem. A senha não será mudada.</to></translation> <translation><from><b>IMPORTANT:</b> If you use this option, messages posted in the archive will NOT be sent to the mailing list.</from><to><b>IMPORTANTE:</b> Se você usar essa opção, mensagens postadas no arquivo NÃO serão enviadas para a lista de emails.</to></translation> <translation><from>Message Preview</from><to>Visualização da Mensagem</to></translation> <translation><from>Your changes will not be sent to the mailing list.</from><to>As suas mudanças não serão enviadas para a lista de emails.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want others in the mailing list to know of your changes, please compose a new message or reply to your original message.</from><to>Se você quiser que outros saibam das suas mudanças, por favor escreva uma nova mensagem ou responda à sua mensagem original. </to></translation> <translation><from>Poll</from><to>Enquete</to></translation> <translation><from>Add New Poll</from><to>Adicionar Nova Enquete</to></translation> <translation><from>Question:</from><to>Pergunta:</to></translation> <translation><from>Answers:</from><to>Respostas:</to></translation> <translation><from>Add new answer</from><to>Adicionar nova resposta</to></translation> <translation><from>1 vote</from><to>1 voto</to></translation> <translation><from><t.number/> votes</from><to><n.number/> votos</to></translation> <translation><from>Total votes:</from><to>Total de votos:</to></translation> <translation><from>Vote</from><to>Votar</to></translation><!-- verb --> <translation><from>Your vote has been submitted.</from><to>O seu voto foi enviado.</to></translation> <translation><from>This poll is closed.</from><to>Essa enquete está fechada.</to></translation> <translation><from>This poll ends on <t.date/>.</from><to>Essa enquete termina em <n.date/></to></translation> <translation><from>This poll ended on <t.date/>.</from><to>Essa enquete terminou em <n.date/></to></translation> <translation><from>Results will be shown only after poll has ended.</from><to>Os resultados só serão revelados depois que a enquete terminar.</to></translation> <translation><from>You have to vote before you can see the results.</from><to>Você precisa votar antes de ver os resultados.</to></translation> <translation><from>You cannot change your vote after voting.</from><to>Você não pode mudar o seu voto depois de votar.</to></translation> <translation><from>You can select up to <t.number/> options.</from><to>Você pode selecionar até <n.number/> opções.</to></translation> <translation><from>Please select no more than <t.number/> options.</from><to>Por favor, selecione não mais do que <n.number/> opções.</to></translation> <translation><from>Please select at least one option.</from><to>Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma opção.</to></translation> <translation><from>Remove Poll</from><to>Remover Enquete</to></translation> <translation><from>Invalid poll parameters.</from><to>Parâmetros inválidos da enquete</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll duration must be a non-negative integer or blank.</from><to>A duração da enquete deve ser um número inteiro não-negativo ou um valor em branco.</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll maximum allowed choices must be a non-negative integer or blank.</from><to>O número máximo de escolhas permitidas deve ser um número inteiro não-negativo ou um valor em branco.</to></translation> <translation><from>Delete this poll, including all votes?</from><to>Apagar esta enquete, incluindo todos os votos?</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll has been deleted.</from><to>A enquete foi apagada.</to></translation> <translation><from>Who can create polls.</from><to>Quem pode criar enquetes.</to></translation> <translation><from>Allow vote changes</from><to>Permitir mudanças de votos</to></translation> <translation><from>Allow viewing results before end date (poll creators can always view the results)</from><to>Permitir visualização dos resultados antes da data to término (criadores de enquetes sempre podem ver os resultados)</to></translation> <translation><from>Allow viewing results before vote</from><to>Permitir visualização dos resultados antes do voto</to></translation> <translation><from>Multiple selections allowed:</from><to>Multiplas seleções permitidas:</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll ends after <t.number/> days (leave blank for unlimited).</from><to>Enquete termina depois de <n.number/> dias (deixe em branco para ilimitado).</to></translation> <translation><from>Login to vote</from><to>Efetue o login para votar</to></translation> <translation><from>This message has a poll</from><to>Esta mensagem possui uma enquete</to></translation> <translation><from>Visit the link below if you want to participate:</from><to>Visite o link abaixo se você quiser participar:</to></translation> |
Thanks, Hugo.
I'll translate it. |
In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
<translation><from>Digest Email</from><to>Náhled e-mailu</to></translation>
<translation><from>on <t.date/></from><to>z <n.date/></to></translation> <translation><from>DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL</from><to>NEODPOVÍDEJTE NA TENTO E-MAIL</to></translation> <translation><from>Replies sent to this address are not read or processed.</from><to>Odpovědi na tento e-mail nikdo nečte ani nejsou zpracovány.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want to respond to a post for which you received this email, please go to the website: <t.url/></from><to>Jestli chcete reagovat na příspěvek, na který upozorňuje tento e-mail, proveďte to prosím na adrese: <n.url/></to></translation> <translation><from>new post</from><to>nová zpráva</to></translation> <translation><from>new posts</from><to>nové zprávy</to></translation> <translation><from>New registered user in <t.location/>!</from><to>Přibyl nový registrovaný uživatel v <n.location/>!</to></translation> <translation><from>User profile</from><to>Profil uživatele</to></translation> <translation><from>New user:</from><to>Nový uživatel:</to></translation> <translation><from><n.author/> wrote</from><to><n.author/> napsal(a)</to></translation> <translation><from>You still have <t.number/> day(s) left without advertising</from><to>Ještě vám zbývá <n.number/> dnů bez zobrazení reklam.</to></translation> <translation><from>(Only administrators can see this message)</from><to>(Pouze administrátoři mohou vidět tuto zprávu)</to></translation> <translation><from>Some private items have been omitted because you don't have permission to view them.</from><to>Některé soukromé položky byly vynechány, protože nemáte práva k jejich zobrazení.</to></translation> <translation><from>Please enter the email address you used to register and click on "Submit". We will email you a link to reset your password.</from><to>Prosím zadejte e-mailovou adresu, kterou jste použili při registaci a klikněte na Odeslat - zašleme vám odkaz pro resetování hesla.</to></translation> <translation><from>Submit</from><to>Odeslat</to></translation> <translation><from>Password Reset Sent</from><to>Resetování hesla odesláno</to></translation> <translation><from>We have sent you a link to reset your password. Please check your email now. If you don't receive the instructions in a few minutes, check your spam folder or try to resend the request.</from><to>Zaslali jsme vám odkaz pro resetování hesla. Zkontrolujte vaši poštu - pokud vám návod nedorazí během několika minut, podívejte se do spamu či zkuste požadavek odeslat znovu.</to></translation> <translation><from>Reset your password / <t.location/></from><to>Resetování hesla / <n.location/></to></translation> <translation><from>We received a request to reset your password in <t.location/>.</from><to>Přijali jsme váš požadavek pro resetování hesla v <n.location/>.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want to reset your password, click on the link below (or copy and paste the URL into your browser):</from><to>Pokud chcete resetovat heslo, klikněte na odkaz níže (nebo zkopírujte a vložte adresu odkazu do webového prohlížeče):</to></translation> <translation><from>If you don't want to reset your password, please ignore this message. Your password will not be reset.</from><to>Pokud nechcete heslo resetovat, ignorujte prosím tuto zprávu. Heslo nebude změněno.</to></translation> <translation><from>IMPORTANT: If you use this option, messages posted in the archive will NOT be sent to the mailing list.</from><to>DŮLEŽITÉ: Pokud použijete tuto volbu, zprávy uložené v archívu nebudou zasílány na mailing list.</to></translation> <translation><from>Message Preview</from><to>Náhled zprávy</to></translation> <translation><from>Your changes will not be sent to the mailing list.</from><to>Vaše změny nebudou zaslány na mailing list.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want others in the mailing list to know of your changes, please compose a new message or reply to your original message.</from><to>Pokud chcete, aby ostatní na mailing listu viděli vaše změny, prosím založte novou zprávu nebo odepište na původní příspěvek.</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll</from><to>Anketa</to></translation> <translation><from>Add New Poll</from><to>Přidat novou anketu</to></translation> <translation><from>Question:</from><to>Otázka:</to></translation> <translation><from>Answers:</from><to>Odpovědi:</to></translation> <translation><from>Add new answer</from><to>Přidat novou odpověď</to></translation> <translation><from>1 vote</from><to>1 hlas</to></translation> <translation><from><t.number/> votes</from><to><n.number/> hlasů</to></translation> <translation><from>Total votes:</from><to>Celkem hlasů:</to></translation> <translation><from>Vote</from><to>Hlasovat</to></translation> <translation><from>Your vote has been submitted.</from><to>Váš hlas byl odeslán.</to></translation> <translation><from>This poll is closed.</from><to>Tato anketa je ukončena.</to></translation> <translation><from>This poll ends on <t.date/>.</from><to>Tato anketa končí <n.date/>.</to></translation> <translation><from>This poll ended on <t.date/>.</from><to>Anketa byla ukončena <n.date/>.</to></translation> <translation><from>Results will be shown only after poll has ended.</from><to>Výsledky budou zobrazeny až po ukončení hlasování.</to></translation> <translation><from>You have to vote before you can see the results.</from><to>Musíte hlasovat, abyste mohli vidět výsledky.</to></translation> <translation><from>You cannot change your vote after voting.</from><to>Po hlasování už nemůžete změnit své rozhodnutí.</to></translation> <translation><from>You can select up to <t.number/> options.</from><to>Můžete zvolit až <n.number/> možnosti.</to></translation> <translation><from>Please select no more than <t.number/> options.</from><to>Nemůžete zvolit více než <n.number/> možnosti.</to></translation> <translation><from>Please select at least one option.</from><to>Prosím zvolte alespoň jednu možnost.</to></translation> <translation><from>Remove Poll</from><to>Odstranit anketu</to></translation> <translation><from>Invalid poll parameters.</from><to>Špatné parametry ankety.</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll duration must be a non-negative integer or blank.</from><to>Délka ankety musí být nezáporné číslo (nebo pole ponechejte prázdné).</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll maximum allowed choices must be a non-negative integer or blank.</from><to>Počet povolených možností v anketě musí být nezáporné číslo (nebo pole ponechejte prázdné).</to></translation> <translation><from>Delete this poll, including all votes?</from><to>Odstranit tuto anketu, včetně všech hlasů?</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll has been deleted.</from><to>Anketa byla odstraněna.</to></translation> <translation><from>Who can create polls.</from><to>Kdo může vytvářet ankety.</to></translation> <translation><from>Allow vote changes</from><to>Povolit změny hlasování</to></translation> <translation><from>Allow viewing results before end date (poll creators can always view the results)</from><to>Povolit zobrazení výsledků před datem ukončení (autoři ankety mohou vždy výsledky zobrazit)</to></translation> <translation><from>Allow viewing results before vote</from><to>Povolit zobrazení výsledků před odesláním hlasu</to></translation> <translation><from>Multiple selections allowed:</from><to>Povoleno více možností:</to></translation> <translation><from>Poll ends after <t.number/> days (leave blank for unlimited).</from><to>Anketa skončí za <n.number/> dnů (ponechejte pole prázdné pro nekonečno).</to></translation> <translation><from>Login to vote</from><to>Přihlašte se pro hlasování</to></translation> <translation><from>This message has a poll</from><to>Tato zpráva obsahuje anketu</to></translation> <translation><from>Visit the link below if you want to participate:</from><to>Klikněte na odkaz níže, pokud se chcete zúčastnit:</to></translation> |
Thanks, Sonia. Should I add the 10,000 ad-free credits to the ArSePo Forum or do you have another app?
A few more sentences we added in the last weeks:
<translation><from>Current length: <t.number/> characters</from><to>Comprimento atual: <n.number/> caracteres</to></translation> <translation><from>Edit Post</from><to>Editar Mensagem</to></translation> <translation><from><t.location/> - Your credits are running out</from><to><n.location/> - Seus créditos estão acabando</to></translation> <translation><from><t.location/> is running out of ad-free credits.</from><to><n.location/> está ficando sem créditos para remoção de anúncios.</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want to buy more credits, visit:</from><to>Se você quiser comprar mais créditos, visite:</to></translation> <translation><from>only in this topic</from><to>apenas neste tópico</to></translation> <translation><from>everywhere</from><to>em todos os lugares</to></translation> <translation><from>If you want to invite subscribers, please request this feature in the <n.support_link/> forum.</from><to>Se você quiser convidar assinantes, por favor peça essa funcionalidade no fórum de <n.support_link/>.</to></translation> <translation><from>We can install this module for you, but the Nabble team must approve this request to prevent abuse and spam.</from><to>Nós podemos instalar esse módulo para você, mas a equipe da Nabble precisa aprovar o pedido para evitar abusos e envio de spam.</to></translation> |
In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
Thanks, Hugo Yes, i have another app. You can add the 10,000 ad-free credits to the se-sheet Sims 3 And of course I'll translate it :) |
Free forum by Nabble | Edit this page |