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This post was updated on Aug 15, 2011; 1:28pm.
Hi I am from China and I am a administrator of Julie-Andrews forum powerd by Nabble. Now I am making Chinese-Simplified database. Perhaps I can finish it in two or three days. Because Chinese grammar is totally different from English, I met several problems and have no confident idea about translating them. Many words are lack of references. I hope my version can be put into use in the forum and I can check my fault in using the forum and with the help of others. Thank you.
大家好,我来自中国,现在是Nabble下Julie Andrews论坛的管理员之一。我现在正在制作简体中文的翻译数据库,也许在两三天后我就能完成它。由于中文的语法和英语的语法有很大的不同,因此在缺乏参考的情况下有些地方我的翻译拿捏不准。我希望在我完成之后能够将这个数据库投入使用,这样我可以看到放在论坛中的各句话,然后就能结合它们的环境对我的翻译进行修正,这同时需要大家的帮助,以使中文翻译更加准确,谢谢。 Database V1.0 has completed: lang_ch_si.naml I will keep the original file, check the fault during using and upload the latest version in the future. Please help me keep improving the database if you like. Thank you. Qwerrt administrator of the Julie Andrews forum http://julie-andrews.983720.n3.nabble.com/ ![]() |
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Database upload now is completed. There is a little problem in my modem and the upload failed for the first time. I repaired my modem.
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In reply to this post by qwerrt
真的很不错诶 你是怎么做到进入帖子后顶部还能显示图片的啊?。。
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在change appearance里面的CSS代码中插入一段描述背景图的代码即可,我们的论坛是这样的:
{ background-color: #F3F7DA; background-image:url('http://julie-andrews.983720.n3.nabble.com/file/n2266527/Banner.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center top; } 貌似只能插入网络图片,不过这不是问题。。。 |
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In reply to this post by qwerrt
Hello Nabble Team:
Are there any problems in Chinese-simplified translation database? Can it be put into use? Many people in our forum is looking forward to it. Thanks. Qwerrt |
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Hi qwerrt, I am testing the file now. I had to fix some broken tags, but this was not a problem at all. I will let you know when 中文 (简体) is available for everyone. Thanks!
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In reply to this post by qwerrt
Hi qwerrt, you should be able to change your forum to chinese now. Please take a look and let me know if you want to change anything. I will add 50,000 ad-free credits to your forum. Thanks for all the help.
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OK. I will change the errors as soon as possible. Thanks.
Qwerrt |
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In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
There is a little problem. I use Notepad under Windows to edit this file. But now all the Chinese words in the new file can not be shown corretly in Notepad so I can't edit it. Maybe I can correct in this way. I make a new file which contains only correct parts those should be replaced. The format will be like this:
<translation><from>Already Subscribed</from><to>已订阅</to></translation> Is that all right? Qwerrt |
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That's fine. You can create a new file. Please also translate these sentences:
<translation><from>Your subscription</from><to>Sua inscrição</to></translation> <translation><from>edit</from><to>editar</to></translation> <translation><from>View profile of <t.author/></from><to>Ver o perfil de <n.author/></to></translation> <translation><from>Description</from><to>Descrição</to></translation>Thanks! |
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This post was updated on Aug 15, 2011; 4:38pm.
I checked my forum and correct the translation fault I can find. Since our forum doesn't use all the applications Nabble offer so maybe there is also many problems I cannot find. Please replace them in the database. Our forum members and the members from other applications will help us correct the translation in the future. Thank you.
corrections.txt There are two questions that I'd like to discuss. First, in English, we don't usually use quentifiers. For some uncountable nouns we may say "a cup of tea" but for countable noun we may directly say "a book". But in Chinese, we always use quentifiers such as "cup of" in "a cup of tea", even for countable nouns. For example, "a book", but in Chinese, we will say "一本书", "一" stands for "a", "书" stands for "book", but there is no words in English which can stand for "本". If English is totally equal to Chinese, we will say "一书" but this expression is incorrect. In the forum, I find the similar problems. For example, "Comment" will be translated to "评论", but for English we will say“5 comments" and ”5评论“ in Chinese which is incorrect. So I changed it to "条评论” by adding a extra quentifier. So this translation can be only used here. If there are other place which will use the totally same translation of "comment" it will be incorrect again. Similar problems happen on "post", "posts" and so on. I know your language system is based on English. If there are other problems, maybe I can remove the quentifiers in Chinese translation and perhaps people can also understand it. Second, the sequences of each part in one sentence in English and Chinese are different. I met several problems dealing with the sequences. For the whole sentence, I can deal with it by translating. But for the part of it, maybe there will become errors. For instance, we have "free embeddable forum" at the bottom of the page. I notice that it is divided into two parts, one is "free embeddable" and the other is "forum". I translated both of them but I find it not proper when I see the whole translation. Maybe it's caused by the difference of the sequence. Temporarily I don't find other similar problems, but I wonder if some other sentences is divided into several parts to be translated, this problem will happen. Thank you. It's my pleasure to make the translation better. Qwerrt |
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In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
Besides, the problem of declension doesn't exist in Chinese translation. I think this is a big help for building this database. Haha......
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In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
Thank you for your rewards. Besides, my users in our forum think that the website to our forum is a little bit complicated and hard to remember. As a reward, could we have a more simple website (permalink) such as julie-andrews.nabble.com or something like that? We will warmly welcome our new website if possible. Thank you.
Qwerrt |
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In reply to this post by qwerrt
Thanks. I've applied the changes (it was a lot of work). Here is the new file: lang_ch_si.naml You can edit it with Notepad++, which is a free application for Windows. This editor handles the encoding correctly. Thanks for the explanation. Please take a look at your forum again and let me know if the current translation is still wrong. We can work together to fix this. We don't have many sentences like that. Please let me know if you see anything you want to change. Besides that, please complete the translations below (replace the xxxxx): <translation><from>Videos from Youtube, Vimeo and LiveLeak.</from><to>xxxxx</to></translation> <translation><from>Banned Users in <t.location/></from><to>xxxxxx</to></translation>Thanks again. |
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In reply to this post by qwerrt
This is not so simple, so we can't create custom domains like that. The right solution for you is to register a domain name elsewhere and apply it to your forum. This is under "Options > Application > Change domain name". |
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In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
I add the translations above in this file with Notepad++. Besides, I tried to correct the problem about quentifiers by adding them onto the nouns those I can find the place in the forum of. Maybe in this way the translation will become better.
Here is the file: lang_ch_si.naml Sorry about pushing you into hard work with the format of the file. ![]() |
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Thanks for the new version. Please check your forum again and let me know if you want more modifications.
There is still one sentence missing: <translation><from>Subject Prefix</from><to>xxxxxxx</to></translation>("Subject Prefix" is the prefix that mailing list archives add to the subject line, for example: "[apache-commons] blah blah". So "[apache-commons]" is the prefix in this case) Don't worry about this. I really want to help you with this. Thanks for everything. |
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<translation><from>Subject Prefix</from><to>主题前缀</to></translation>
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