Re: Greek Transaltion - I am finished with the translation in Greek
Posted by
Hugo <Nabble> on
Dec 17, 2011; 3:38am
Nice work, Angelo! Thanks a lot!
Below you can find some sentences that were broken or forgotten in the file.
If possible, please translate them again and I will fix the file for you:
<translation><from>All posts</from><to>Todas as mensagens</to></translation>
<translation><from>Change or remove your avatar image.</from><to>Mude ou remova sua imagem de perfil.</to></translation>
<translation><from>If you didn't request this email or have no idea why you received it, please ignore it. It might have been a mistake from someone else.</from><to>Se você não pediu esse email ou não tem idéia porque recebeu isso, entΓ£o ignore-o. Pode ter sido um erro de outra pessoa.</to></translation>
<translation><from>Prices are in US Dollars. This checkout process uses <n.amazon_payments_link.>AmazonPayments</n.amazon_payments_link.>, which enables Amazon customers to use the payment methods stored in their account to pay for goods and services on websites and applications accepting Amazon Payments.</from><to>Os preços estão em Dólares dos Estados Unidos. Esse processo de compra utiliza o <n.amazon_payments_link.>AmazonPayments</n.amazon_payments_link.>, que permite aos clientes da Amazon usar os métodos de pagamento definidos em suas contas na para pagar por produtos ou serviços em websites e aplicações que aceitam o Amazon Payments.</to></translation>
<translation><from>You can also <n.manage_banned_users_link.>manage banned users</n.manage_banned_users_link.> in <t.location/>.</from><to>Μπορείτε επίσης να <n.manage_banned_users_link.>gerenciar usuários banidos</n.manage_banned_users_link.> em <n.location/>.</to></translation>
<translation><from>Your subscription to <t.location/> has been successfully removed.</from><to>Η συνδρομή σας για <n.location/> foi removida com sucesso.</to></translation>
When you finish the sentences above I will make it available on the website so that you can test the translation in your forum. Also, please post a link to your Nabble apps and we will give you 60,000 ad-free credits as a way to say "thank you"!