fight spam

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fight spam


I've already set permissions so that only registered users can post to my forum. Still, I get spam, always of the same kind: someone post 10 or so spam texts with a link. Is there anything to prevent that?

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Re: fight spam

Hi Daniel,
dnaber wrote
I've already set permissions so that only registered users can post to my forum. Still, I get spam, always of the same kind: someone post 10 or so spam texts with a link. Is there anything to prevent that?
Registering is in the hands of the user, not the Administrator, so preventing those in the "Anyone" group from posting, but allowing those in the "Registered" group does not protect you from unwelcome users. You need to use the "Members" group and add those you wish to see posting to that group (with a further change in permissions).

For more information see:
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.