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a general helper tool for translation

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a general helper tool for translation


the translation process tends to be difficult at times, especially if the raw XML file is to be modified directly for navigation to the next expression and modifying the wording found there. It would be nicer if there was a kind of user interface which helps the translator translate strings and ensure Nabble's requirements at the same time. I could think of these benefits from applying a kind of "translation helper":

-> navigate between the expressions to be translated (forward, backward)
-> ensure to keep the original English wording unchanged
-> realize a "progression bar" to show the translator how far he has already got
-> save the current state of translation and resume at the exact same point next time
-> ...

Is there something like this already implemented?
If not, would Nabble be interested in having it developed?
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Re: a general helper tool for translation

Hi again,

just to tell the interested folks (and close this question), there IS a translation helper which is customized to Nabble's translation requirements. It was already proven in practice. Please see the link within the message below:


It would be great if the link posted in the message above could be added to the official translation guide.