The Future of Nabble

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Re: The Future of Nabble

IF I may suggest, try create a Classifieds-like forum for paying members that they can use to run ads of their own so that they can earn from it that it turn pays for the subscription from Nabble. Both wins.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

our combined `effect
Thank you !

Can you explain please? I thought Nabble did not allow advertising because you advertise? And because we are a US 501.c3 nonprofit assoc, Nabble does not advertise on us, which we thank Nabble for!

Also I having a Google Grant does not allow me to advertise affiliates, and if I understand this is something like that?

I have Nabble on MY Google Site using the AdGrant.

kara j lincoln
     patches` +  pockets` everywhere are linking,  good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.

       come talk..
                        `i come to talk story
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Re: The Future of Nabble

In reply to this post by Franklin
Is there an update on how long Nabble will continue?

Is there any way I can move my forum to my own host?

Would really like not to lose it all.

HTTPS Please!
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Re: The Future of Nabble

Israel <Nabble>
We have no plan to close Nabble. The ideia is to replace Nabble by Blasma.
Nabble is open source you can hire a programmer and then install it on your own server.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

Israel <Nabble> wrote
We have no plan to close Nabble. The ideia is to replace Nabble by Blasma.
Nabble is open source you can hire a programmer and then install it on your own server.
I hired a programmer. He asked me:

"Is there a guide to installing Nabble? Where can we download the code and get a copy of the existing site? Do you have details on the required platform, database, web server config, etc?"
HTTPS Please!
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Re: The Future of Nabble

Israel <Nabble>
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Re: The Future of Nabble

In reply to this post by cinemapersians
I'm not sure why there's a reply about addressing anybody. I was just offering to help. Nothing else.

That was a very strange reply. Is it some kind of a scam?

On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 6:38 PM cinemapersians [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I’m not sure why this was addressed to me.  All that I’m trying to do is get the ads off of my forum.  Nothing else.

Pamela F. Cox

On Sep 14, 2020, at 1:13 PM, taylorms266 [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:

 Interested to help both in coding and profitability. Wanna keep this going for everybody to use.

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Re: The Future of Nabble

Israel <Nabble>
No, it's a guide on how to install Nabble. I was intended to reply Harvey.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

I replied to a much earlier message from Pamela Fox right after my message in September because I just got an email sending her message to my mailbox.

This is weird.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 3:42 AM Israel <Nabble> [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
No, it's a guide on how to install Nabble. I was intended to reply Harvey.

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Re: The Future of Nabble

our combined `effect
In reply to this post by Franklin
Happy New Year to Nabble!

So Franklin, since I love your words from your heart, what is going on now?

What do you need or want?

let us all know where Nabble going now or near future and how all can help!

I thank you all!

Peace be with you! kara
`i come to talk story...
     patches` +  pockets` everywhere are linking,  good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.

       come talk..
                        `i come to talk story
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Re: The Future of Nabble

our combined `effect wrote
Happy New Year to Nabble!

So Franklin, since I love your words from your heart, what is going on now?

What do you need or want?
Thanks, I need to get out of America not too long after Jan 20 when the Silicon Valley fascists take over.  When I am settled abroad, I will reconsider Blasma again.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

our combined `effect
Me too, thinking Saudi!
Will Nabble keep running all along?
Peace is real for earthlings, if they accept nothing less!
lov, kara

On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 12:06 AM Franklin [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
our combined `effect wrote
Happy New Year to Nabble!

So Franklin, since I love your words from your heart, what is going on now?

What do you need or want?
Thanks, I need to get out of America not too long after Jan 20 when the Silicon Valley fascists take over.  When I am settled abroad, I will reconsider Blasma again.

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     patches` +  pockets` everywhere are linking,  good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.

       come talk..
                        `i come to talk story
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Re: The Future of Nabble

How's the book balancing going? Well, I hope.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

our combined `effect
Not sure if you talking to me kara or Nabble? Please explain!

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 10:41 AM zero777 [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
How's the book balancing going? Well, I hope.

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     patches` +  pockets` everywhere are linking,  good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.

       come talk..
                        `i come to talk story
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Re: The Future of Nabble

Sorry , I was asking Israel.

When he emailed me , it seemed like a big job to balance the books.
Hoping for an update.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

Israel <Nabble>
Not yet.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

I'm just seeing this topic for the first time.  I run a nabble forum with many hundreds of users and would be sad to lose the community and forum history.  Is there any update on the future of Nabble?  Is there any support I / we can provide?  And, would new / different platform come with a full migration of the members & forum history?

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Re: The Future of Nabble

Franklin <Nabble>
This post was updated on .
{{DHK}}HolyLord wrote
I'm just seeing this topic for the first time.  I run a nabble forum with many hundreds of users and would be sad to lose the community and forum history.  Is there any update on the future of Nabble?  Is there any support I / we can provide?  And, would new / different platform come with a full migration of the members & forum history?
I use Nabble so I just keep it running.  I have no plans to do anything with Nabble.  But if you could find a non-depraved programmer willing to work with me part-time on developing a replacement, I would do that.  My latest thoughts are here.  And this is the reason that I have chosen not to work on this by myself.
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Re: The Future of Nabble

our combined `effect
Hi Franklin and all!

  Without being a tech, I can only add what I think is needed to your thoughts, and you can translate it for you are skilled and thank you!

       Someday the frequency each one emits, in resultant of where one is at within one's flesh at the time, can be called a moron or one having awareness to better humanity w/humanity learns early on to obtain one's frequency required to be healthy? I just missed a Healthmeans free webinar on bioelectricity explaining all of this! There tapes can still be purchased, but if go to Health Means they show calender of these free events and more w/people I respect using Functional Medicine, they know much is left undefined;

Actually I also thinking w/your site to separate my US non profit w/Google's AdGrant, for they will not let me share affiliates, only a link in my name personally to then sy go there?  And I thinking this could then give me finances to give freely as well do an exchange w/Nabble? If you Frank decide new plans, as I have some also, but for your thought above I added thought below for what it is worth?

       If one just keeps deleting and riding on other's wave one ends up in a mouse maze? If there is a means to decipher even the moderators showing all the various realitys of such frequencys, then humans get it! For a frequency is not just words, it words attached to reality within the totaliy of what can be, and that is a nice energy to self reflect with!

       If each has their choice to deviate and not beable to allow us to reflect w/all, (all meaning a moderator type code of start to finish as a human species, that should be our goal to define and share!) then morons continue mental jibberish not knowing, unless along the stages, some can clarify and debate and have it their in an archive to observe and self reflect with as aids when we as morons lern the hard way in a mouse maize mode! That to me is what is needed, if we are to have, as in an objective to be efficient and end scars for ever from being repeated! on earth and in space the Humanity still now leaves toxic!

       Is this an endless thread, I dont think so, for flesh only lasts so long, and sure longivity can vary along w/good health, but within means to yet be defined, due to if considering biblical times of k's of years or in 100 years or so we now live as Humans?

       I know some that prefer to speak w/energy emitted and shared by channeling energy, yet to truly understand, is it equally emitted or is one riding on the other's wave? I myself even though feel it and understand some, of this, still need words to be mentally clear? Does that make me a moran? Also I know others doing programing like you, working w/Jamen Shively; radish .org recenty created adding `Radish Conversations, so everyone freely shares live and more, and then they log it, so when seeking som answers, you come in from that subject matter, and each person also continues to have a conversation sharing globally as people merge like subject and co_evolve! Jamen used to manage Microsoft w/Bill Gates, knowing how greedy he is, and they want to stop climate change, etc feed hungry! And each person shares what is important to them w/group or merge!

    One tech wants to figure out so no words needed, yet don't channel energy? So what is the perimeters to offer, is it each persons choice, yes, but I suggest only if the path is for all to give-gain, so that eveyone builds one's path into one's opening, and that from my experience, whether you call it limited or not, is to feel the energy via choice of subject matter to get onto self reflect, feel one's energy and then want to go within and define what I need to do to generate theirs, filtering out the baggage we all can so easily carry! SOme easily visible to change, other's buried deep to the point of gaining it even before born, carried on from others, then until one skilled to aid bringing it out to beable to edit, one stays ill! I've seen that w/Functional Medicine; researchers-Drs, sharing, tired of being ill or watching loved ones die,yet clearly see these adults carrying childhold trama and very ill, and once cleared they heal! 

   Same w/Dr. Yun Wang a Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM Dr and his wife also Dr Nancy;

    as well Dr. Leon Hammer in his 90's still writing creating w/Contemporary Oriental Medicine using models of TCM and more;

But if we never are exposed to debate-controversy-resolving for a common objective for us all, as well the complex life that sustains our food source, to sustain Humanity, what point is it to have infrastrucutres to just ramble and run from what is real, or be too ill to gain control and then just run wild? Until one w/empathy shows ones color, giving each just another way to rethink to stop the suffering from continuing, as our mouse mazes have road maps!

    Not to mention the time sensitive realities of what we now all face w/the extension in near sight of Humanity's potential as well road to extinction, due to our food source fueled by complex life dieing rapidly every day, yet some know it as in Dr. Tao in the MEER project at Harvard working w/Emertitus Prof Guy McPherson, and the analysis they did is interesting of the health site of our planet, but I yet to feel the trilion dollar MEER project w/mirrors attached covering ocean space to reflect sun resolving climate change, is a solution? and I say that being a sailor still learning after crossing oceans 60 k miles, nit a skilled nano tech person as they feel we have a time sensitive problem big time!

   Sure other subject matter may be creative and have no destiny as such above, but when a message is involved, that is a nice way also to explore knowing many ways available? So that is why I choose to have a basic structure for my start up plans, w/archive (and Franklin I been delayed w/budget errors, but I thinking if you continue I'd like Nabble to be the nessage board that I would give freely to all, to get real needs met vs chasing such delusions, from a person needing a ride to the food bank, as well a scienctist trying to rethink the MEER project, so instead of a ?? dollars to investigate more perhaps more critical thinking looks at what agroecological systems alone can do and  or added-modified, etc. and put this time scale togehter as well respect given to Prof McPherson and Dr.Tao for what they know and we add that to the start up plan, so good investors follow as we prioritize the local plans: where-what-how much-research more if needed and look at the thread of grounding people to efficiently do where what can, back to understanding how to live local responsibly addressing reality on earth-space toxic and how best tot prioritize it!!

   As many of us have been in thought or still at? And now Nabble allows us to speak our truth, when so many social medias are directing it for profits from manipulated science! 

  I want an archive for skilled students to do their homework and professors help them co-ecolve the curriculum while restoring prioritizing on earth-space, then simulatanously local communities, enhancing sharing like ecosystem-season and subject, yet have empty forms for follow up for local plans, for reps to fill out!  For each to reflect w/what is from others in archive, yet beable to create and fill in one's own form in real time, enhancing within the natural potential that works! So no one left behind to be a moran-ill-diseased-program to destroy any life w/misuse-abuse! 

      Rather when have a need, see easily in real time the needs of the start up plans designed by skilled agroecological scienctists and peasants living it continully that works as they to stay in real time wthe natural enehanced world! To then do the exchange to gain fuel to obtain one's desire by gaining the self reflection of skilled in agroecology that can lay down the organic reality of start up plan's enhanced potential to create with! I share Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri's old video that still grounds giving then reality and now worse;

   Showing what is, not just in $ but energy consumed vs what can be w/both as well! So as to have reps scale earth-space sharing, as we prioritze where to start w/what most toxic whether mindset or acts negatively affecting us most, and research or resolve it! Then w/this understanding from critical thinkers working it, others come aboard once define one's space and then locally now we all can live local, realizing that afar also needs our attention for the betterment of the whole as well ourselves, to no longer contribute unknowingly left as a moran, and we lessen the baggage making our path lighter, so we can celebrate along the way, having such gratitude for skilled to reflect with and choose! That is what we do now!

        That is the nice archive of links for each ecosystem-season and subject I'd like as I soon will be transtioning our Nabble site to not waste in so many words, yet focus work w/Nabble's structure as a nice foundation, if you choose to have me, continue! Another thought to add, is I have a beautiful cook book from India, packed now so can't give you authors, but 2 chiefs traveled to communities thruout India, and experienced the same speices of a plant in many communities have different medimal effects, due to psychological beliefs of how the plant was used in one's experiences, as well the much variety of nutrients from the enviroment-soil etc. they where grown in, so nothing is in stone, as life is motion and to be alive, we will always change if want to stay alive! But how efficient do you want to paticipate, so we al can become a local-global and beyond mindful partitipcant, ending the stupidity from continuing?    

  Yet how can India still have so many children dieing each year, when they could simply have a tool to dig, and learn a few skills, carry in a bag along w/straw, even lime if more diging an out house, just because they deficate outside all this time! Leaders talk to leaders, same Sadghurus Culvery Calling went from farmers committing suicide w/GMO's to now using agro forestry making 300-800% profits and Gov is changing policys, same UN yet it continues! We need to prioritize and our start up plans will do that as we create w/many skilled showing, soon!

     Why natural vs AI? Some add AI and that too needs to show how attached to the natural world? Ex; taking mechanics and replacing broken body parts? Some do pie in the sky creations like NEOM Development wanting a fake moon, why? Is it their choice? What lessons are they shaing? We can celebrate-create as well prioritize saving Humanity and stopping suffering, it does not take full time! It does take awareness of the effects we leave on ohter life!

      What is the footprint I ask?  Recently these last few years, my attemtpt to work w/Humanity has taken me to many inexperienced people in skilled positions, yet working w/unskilled APPS! Nice people loving, even w/many skills yet snokered me unintended, from CEO's to Gov heads to Bankers to Fraud Depts and people behind them in back rooms and I continue to use what I think should be an AI APP of common sense, for I no techy like you all, but I resolve to save from getting more snowballed from their dysfunctional Apps, one dept not knowing the other, to have simple human respect!

   Same as I see in a webinar I was in w/the Friends of the Congo who know best how crises continue to happen and not just them, many other countrys! But I do see some blame on systems as in police dept being pregidist to black. That was expressed to me when I said not all police are bad as my local Sheriff Craig Zanni, whom I respect, he shares also how he too deals w/same generalized info from US Legislators as I! As well his staff knows well too, their are bad cops, we personally also had a ER issue and they changed policy since then, but the changes need to be done before people get hurt or die! 

   And if we loose our human ability adding AI or what ever in programming, thinking it is a systems problem? Then don't you think systems guiding systems also can be just as fcked? Yet worse, failing to get back to us taking responsibility for oneself, let alone others? Locally and afar and that is not even organized yet amongst us to happen! Sure small groups like Campasina to Campesina sharing agroecological systems globally eye to eye works! And sure a few others via internet! But nothing to match what needed now for reality of losing so much life both complex, on to Human, as we are pushing the end of Humanity on earth, let alone all the suffering prior to this issue-land grabbing and more from the many good stewards of earth being abused in past, that contines, etc.. Yet what is each doing to make a difference? And how long are each struggling doing it vs efficiently getting the job done? I know how I contributed blindly for many years! As well the many years to do what I doing now and I will not quit!

Good Ex; Is Dr. Paul Thomas, who I respect for aiding drug addicts. as well as a pediatrician knowing thru sorrow from giving vaccines in past to chidren and then witnessed effects negatively left! He then did intense study to compare and came up w/his vaccine plan;

   Oregon State suspended his license, which I feel Gov Kate Brown is very incompatent from my experiences in Oregon , as many people are Medicially without care, as well Homeless including Vets! Meanwhile they don't listen either to good plans as they profit first! Locally their is not even a dump large enough to take the trash hidden out if sight of the community's! I could give a long list of inadequate local Gov in Coos County, OR not agreeing w/their citizens, from my experiences researching sharing what could work w/many that agreed! Meanwhile w/Google's AdGrant I also advertise globally, and students over time became the Gov in Bangladesh and when they spea at UN, they speak for Humanity! I feel UN also still is not efficent as they could be, I offer sharing detail solutions, but only get generalized emails!

 Some of my lessons have been hard, others I continue to learn from all I state here and more, which I have gratitude and will continue to celebrate as we do sharing in simple pot locals w/live music-focus directed conversation-time for all to vent and more scaling our plans w/agroecologial skills guiding sharing Prof Altieri's work and SOCLA and more! So please join in!

I started w/Nabble after Mishi and I crossing the Pacific ocean sailing, hearing Rwandan war over short wave, and you talk about morans, in responsible roles not responding, no better Ex! So I got ill knowing I had to rethink big time and I did! Nabble was here and I continue to work it today! Sure a lot of jibberish which I sorry for, but Nabble you allowed me to vent and I owe you for that! Now co_evolving also w/you hopefully for you all to do what best for you and just let us know, so we can transition more efficiently w/our plans still being worked!

  As well share Nabble to all! As we too, even if I do this personally to work afficilates, which I will still share it on my Google Adgrant as we advertise globally, and they agreed wanting us to succeed! To all they can but a handful and will also reach then! This way we can gather more of like minded to support Nabble as they give to us freely and advertise to pay there way, and th more we support them the better advertising will happen! Same Frank consider HealthMeans affiliates! As wel Chris Luck w.his recent course aiding people to get clear on their choices to be a Brand Ambassador, sure he charges but people gain by earning his experiences to market socially what ever they want to work for? few hrs for few hundred in to milions as he has many wealthy, and he likes that people help each other! He is a family man doing his thing still doing this! He can't wait for me to break from my errors to share more! As I've studied to not make money but to lern how to scale my plans sharing Humanity's solutions and I've appreciated his skills from our limited sharing!  

 If you want Chris to help you find your path as you build it into your opening, w/some nice people and skills shared for you to decide, then see his link below! 


Peace is real! Don't forget to check back w/our updates, as soon I too will be needing Chris's help more! Not to mention Nabbles as we soon will also use more of their offerings, so Frank let us know your perimieters!

  Not to mention if we did all come back to earth in this life form to do what? To me it feels nice to be trying as I continue! For I not religious but I have had visions of waht Iinvolved now, long ago! I chose to stop studying paranormal and sure still would like to see a skilled video explaining it all, but I redirected and decided to just live it! So this is what you get as I feel soon w/your help we will start working our plans, nor more trying to figure how, rather good skilled know how and I hope to share it w/all earthlings and aliens!

  If want to meet a humble man that I respect that has endured far moe then I could imagine and I think you all would agree! Would be Dr. Dennis Mukwege, that Friends of the Congo, I respect, know well! He as a child w/his father being a minister wanted to be a doctor! Now he a surgeon and if anyone can each out and help this crises end, please contact him or I too! But for years I see his hopsital burned down, he having to leave w/family due to healing others, even after  having to run and then come back and rebuild and now w/I think 11 surgeons he trained! As women walk milies to get to him after being raped and then their vaginas shot w/gun or stick, etc. as a politcal statement and many from those supposeldy protecting yet contributing to the Congo mines corruption as well the surroundings still takeing place from the Rwandan war, etc.

      Meanwhile Dr. Mukwege don't always have tools needed in the hospital to do this what needed, both aiding the surgery or one's mind, for they go back home and husbands disown them or community, and then it happens to them again! SO why I share such corruption is because too many Govs are still doing it, as well thinking ony of their own Continent! No more can we just live local! Nor w/old ways that don't work, I've experienced a few and the only reason I put the time in is to seriously try to understand why young carry old behaviors in responsible roles when so many skilled yet to try to help them rethink as in UN-G20+ others, same wthe corrupt COVD mismanagement, negatively effecting many as I share on our link at bottom of this page!It is corrupt, the vaccines are toxic says skilled in Functional medicine and they show the profiting as well Robert Kennedy w/his Children's Defense, is sueing them, and I show that too! So please do your homework, rethink the imporant role you have to allow us to share truth or moronic jibberish that continues thru Journalist showing Gov people in leadership doing one thing and they say they did not do it! Yet what are they doing to stop it! As well their own social medias claiming one thing and they disagree!

Thank you Dr. Mukwege and staff, as well the many beautiful people I'm sorry for;

    as even US Gov, I've seen logs from UN, stating they went into Congo Mines yet did not do what was required! Yet UN w/my experience does not enforce nor the Hague and we need people to share what works and what doesn't like the Campesinos knowing best eye to eye! And then sure they too have links! But they get the job done by either becoming the Gov changing old policy creating great new ideas, or gathering million or so as Miguel shares in his link above. As Latin Americans come in and take over and as Brazil Gov did, then listens doing great work! Yet here in US and many, we have no social such Gov intelligence! Rather toxic Industrial Agriculture continues as well thruout the earth polluting creating disease and death, as proifiting whors continue over our ability then and now to organize via good platforms and link solutions that work! Because we have not prioritized and I will keep working, and I welcome all you as well to Nabble using theri tools that I have shared this email with! 

   I feel we have the skills now to guide us as Miguel stated long ago, and now we just need more platforms like Nabble to share the truth so we mindfully act! Not just continue to protest or as some using aggressive acts, rather help people understand so we do it!

  My recent errors unintended from many has taken me to a thread mode of thinking, as I share in thought w/children adding tags of what effects we really leave on all life? And many of us forget once thread broke or never even had a thread to reflect with, leaving us continuing to carry baggage unknown, as we continue to accumulate it, or programed from past leaders not staying in time w/Humanity's solutions rather they profit over wars! As we contribute to destroy the complex life that is much more sensitive then us, leaving many as a moran, unable to get out of the fog! 

   Let alone realize our organic composition of organs acting as survival of the fittest, stealing from each other to survive, leaving us w/more mixed signals-paranoah on to misuse-abuse-suicide-wars and more, that we all have experienced w/children to adults! And that is why skilled can help as in setting a structure for a technical platform as in Nabble continues to think, which I thank you Frank and staff!

    And or even fasting, as new stem cells are created in 3-5 days gving us a breath of fresh air! Functional Medicine offers a variety of ways to skillfully fast to explore if yet to, for mental clarity and more!

    It works, I 've used it successfully many times when with out and had no choice, or to choose when over coming ER issues and more on a daily 16 hr including sleep, so we have choices if subjected to self reflect, and share, then even a moran can feel and make a difference!

        Dr. Yun Wang is great at customizing an herbal formula knowing we are all human! This reminds me to ask him, if he has experienced aliens, lol! As Dr. Greer's group experiences them on earth? And yes I too would like to! Yun is a Tradional Chinese Medical Dr not just an accupunturist, he sharpens ones sensors so you feel yourself and respond w/early signs, as normal healthy humans should!! But only if had that behavioral experience, for he claims only to sharpening your sensors, after that it is our responsibility to self educate, and Functional Medicine and others does that! Yet knows so much more yet to learn? Yun has agreed to be in conversation w/them once I get organized! I will have such controversy equated because both are so needed, to be attached vs fragmenting with out enough guidance, same w/Dr. Leon Hammer that has exerienced taking it to another level, whihc I thank them all for their continued work!! 

    That is the difference in programming, if I can take Yun's customized formula he made me for 30 days and after 3 days I think I said wow, how did he do this and how did I do this to me to need it? And I decided to work on figuring that out, and did, and when I did exceed my human perimeters, I took it again  for few days, catching myself? So that 30 day supply lasted me for 10 years! Vs as some take the 30 days and then another 30 days, and yes again regain sharp sensors, but fail to maintain, ending up dulling them again, why because some of these people lived for their children never having a chance due to being abused as well themself misusing to do as I have done, endure what ever and then continue, when others can't and yet others do even much better than I!

    So many keep getting ill and or Western Medicine's incompetence that needs to co_evolve their curriculum and can and others as Yun And Functional Medicine are their to help them! And More! To persuades them to continue their studies, again as yes they did once save their life, so that deep link is important, but sadly that Dr says don't do herbal formuals again etc., meanwhile when one dies I experienced from the organ damage done from the pharma perscribed wrongly over the years that  killed them, for pharma itself is a unskilled toxic profiteer, and yes in ER issues and other some good as well Dr. using it, but majority same w.Vets Hospital in US forgt it! Suffering continues and it does not have To! The original lung problem, the Dr could not believe how that patient using Yun's herbs had improved their lung condtion at death from the Dr's ongoing pharma! And we see constanlty this continue on to premature death and disease surrounding us!  As well within us, if yet to get clear w/our options that your tech can provide preventing us to just be lost in a mouse maze but to add a road map, as many sciences are doing!

           Then good old profitteers making more w/pharma dependent and then profit more from drugs to supposedly cure you from that?? So you either see the profiting over health and want to do your part or still in the fog! For it takes only part time to think of others and join in, as it also helps ground and find one's space! And we want to celebrate more as we gather in potlucks w/local grown food-live music, having focus directed follow up meets, but yes space for all to vent and even bring favorite food, good or bad, as then one sees reflection! For bad can taste so good, yet if too much can contribute to bad health! Let alone on our thread, add more tags to the negative effects polluting others that create it!

            Why build a platform going 5 steps forward leaving it open for people to then not know or misguided and go back 3 steps? Been there done that and still have to catch myself! Let alone why do you think we have children having children or why children shooting others? Let alone the Vets joingin together, as they did this last weekend saying Fck WAR!

  I've been asked to lead a revolution a few times, but to me putting oneself at highrisk to fight for freedom,  or even let more profit over wars when others resist, I feel is not the answer, aggression beyond a healthy ego is not going to end these scars from repeating! Yes having support w/good social expression can't be beat! but like Yun sharpening our sensors, and easier when had that programing, but not so easy when left alone w/more misuse-abuse! I can't tell you how many I see now w/childhood abuse yet to be resolved in adults, as well still having a parent abusing them!

For what it's worth? Unless we experience walking in others shoes, maybe try it, vs hypothesize it, for we still in the flesh and can make it easier to be clear, if experience it vs assume, which I know that does not work, that will get you in trouble! Been there done that too many tmes, learning the hard way! But when that person enters your life beaming another energy, it is nice! No one should have to be left being a moran! 

 I thank you all involved in Nabble, for sharing your experiences and desires is what it is all about!! I look forward to your choice, so let us know if we can continue w/you to do some new plans, as we transition w/you!

     Where I once felt I was using your forum, now I feel like I've co_evolved to want to be part of your forum, do you see what happens to life when we are real, whether right or wrong, we have a way of naturally connecting! 

         Sadhguru the Hatha Yoga Instructor forming Isha Foundation w/over 11 million volunteers, states the body you can trust, not the mind! So that too is nice experience when we learn early on to respect being in the flesh and learning how to work it, he has a engineering course, some free onlne, some you pay or even go live at Isha, and his teachers are very beautiful and gentle! He says we did not come in w/a manual, so he created one! 
I not skilled to believe all of where his head is at, but I do like a lot of what he shares in conversation w/young and old, he is not religious!

Thank you Frank and all! I hope you feel the same! But I am thankful to have vented all these years w/you and you allowed it, and now once clear I feel I owe you! So I have a plan to reduce and do more!  Or let us know our new boundarys!  I feel if people want good people to share w/their work or visit their Continent they rule, then they either get their skilled help together or powers that be will correct, for I feel people just need to have means to understand and view story themselves, I not interested in talking to condem a person, when they need to heal or have support to self educate? Sure I'm guilty of getting upset first which is also wrong! But then I try to express my apoligies seeing the dysfunction involved! As we all have work to do, and I speak for myself! And they will decide once able to self reflect! Or they will be left w/their choices! I persoanlly for one will have such a list if people doing wrong, as well how they make wrongs right, so others do not get abused as I have and learn from them, as we hope all co_volve once presented w/clarity to understand!

Plus Functional Medicine working w/alternatives, says if we don't have our gut microbiome in balance, we have no cognitive ability to get out of the fog, vice versa, if have clarity and abuse it, then mess up our gut! They have ceated nice tests as they don't trust themself, they trust the tests! But they also say a lot of science they yet to know! Dr Leon Hammer created upon traditionals and TCM studing 50 pulses! Dr Yun Wang did 15 years in Bejing studying TCM and then on to accupuncture and continues as he studied stroke research, also in US Univ, shairing w/Drs, etc.. So we do have many perimeters to guide us living in the flesh!  Where my experience w/Western medicine w/not all but many they say nothing more can be done and then others I speak of resolve! I say t them why not just stay you quit studying and suggest the many do resolve because they continue to study!

   When ill it is easy to retain mixed signals or thinking we know, as normal behavior if dulled one's sensors, if yet to feel-experience anything else, as many of us just picked up what was passed down then isolated w/unaware communities, not asking for more, etc!!  Resulting as a moran, or suicide etc. and we need empathy to not allow that on any life! For it also messes up another!

I ask for more Frank, for I do not want to be a burden to you or left unaware! Yet I want you also to have harmony while we effiently get the job done!! Correct me or let me know what I can do to help! As well, have you changed your mind about working w/Bittany, as I share aso this w/her if she still is interested, and again she would have to communicate w/you to define her task, if she can do it?

Thank you all!

 lov, kara
Do check back for updates, correct and add yours, as we continue to thread, and soon act! As errors are soon to end, interfereing any more in our delay! We want those without to get real needs met while gaining fuel supporting start up plan's needs! So our message board is free to them, and those that can Donate, so please share-correct w/me, kara; [hidden email] 
And join in;

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 8:07 PM Franklin <Nabble> [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
{{DHK}}HolyLord wrote
I'm just seeing this topic for the first time.  I run a nabble forum with many hundreds of users and would be sad to lose the community and forum history.  Is there any update on the future of Nabble?  Is there any support I / we can provide?  And, would new / different platform come with a full migration of the members & forum history?
I use Nabble so I just keep it running.  I have no plans to do anything with Nabble.  But if you could find a non-depraved programmer willing to work with me part-time on developing a replacement, I would do that.  My latest thoughts are here.  And this is the reason that I have chosen not to work in this by myself.

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     patches` +  pockets` everywhere are linking,  good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.

       come talk..
                        `i come to talk story
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Re: The Future of Nabble

Graham Perrin
In reply to this post by Franklin
I'm a latecomer to the news. Thanks for the service over the years.