Ok, so its a bog standard IsUp/IsDown, generic message, inelegant but it works. Unfortunately its not opensource so the workaround means popping a div containing that page and they have to add the link themselves.
No access across domains unless I can rework the code, it looks for window.location='/+domain'
aka tries to append the link to the domain its on.
Ill work on that.
Shame Your servers cant output error/management messages when its down.
Note: never come across 'downtime'
yet, its rather the 'sword of domocles'
when it comes to 'hosted' solutions, terrifying thought.
Any ETA on opensource? Or TemplatesP.S Assuming N5 means server #5, how many servers does Nabble run? Does a backup server come online if N5 fails? Or is there simply 'Nothing'?
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