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Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
WHCCguy wrote
May I please request HTTPS for my domain : https://westernhillschurch.org/westernhillsmemberforum.html

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please let me know if I need to do anything on my end. I believe HTTPS is active on my domain and have the proper certificates.
First you need to set a custom domain name for your forum, that has the same base domain as the site you're embedding on. For example, forum.westernhillschurch.org. You will need to set a CNAME record to point the domain to n8.nabble.com.
Information here:

Once you've done that I will be able to enable HTTPS on our end.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

19 posts
Hi, https protocol for http://ro.ragnarok.tech/

Thank you!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
Astra wrote
Hi, https protocol for http://ro.ragnarok.tech/

Thank you!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
This post was updated on Jan 26, 2019; 6:58am.
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven<Nabble> wrote
WHCCguy wrote
May I please request HTTPS for my domain : https://westernhillschurch.org/westernhillsmemberforum.html

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please let me know if I need to do anything on my end. I believe HTTPS is active on my domain and have the proper certificates.
First you need to set a custom domain name for your forum, that has the same base domain as the site you're embedding on. For example, forum.westernhillschurch.org. You will need to set a CNAME record to point the domain to n8.nabble.com.
Information here:

Once you've done that I will be able to enable HTTPS on our end.
I believe I have completed the necessary steps for you to enable he HTTPS on your end. The domain name is https://forum.westernhillschurch.org

Please let me know if I am incorrect and/or when the HTTPS has been enabled.

Thanks so very much for your assistance.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

2 posts
In reply to this post by NS
Can someone please help... How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
In reply to this post by WHCCguy
WHCCguy wrote
I believe I have completed the necessary steps for you to enable he HTTPS on your end. The domain name is https://forum.westernhillschurch.org
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
In reply to this post by edelweiss
edelweiss wrote
Can someone please help... How do we set Nabble forum code to be https?  Is it something that we have to request Nabble to do?
Can you provide a link to your forum?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Raven<Nabble> wrote
WHCCguy wrote
I believe I have completed the necessary steps for you to enable he HTTPS on your end. The domain name is https://forum.westernhillschurch.org
Raven, I have a question if you can help.
When I first set up the CNAME I had to get my host (bluehost) to help me with the CNAME setup because I've recently taken over this website and was unfmailiar where in the interface to set up the CNAME.

When the support tech set the CNAME up for me, I had them point the CNAME to n8.nabble.com because that was what the directions showed in the link you gave me (http://western-hills-church.103910.n8.nabble.com/help/DNSConfiguration.jtp)

However, when I directed my browser to test functionality after you enabled the https protocal to forum.westernhillschurch.org the page that was rendered in https is the main nabble page (https://www.nabble.com/)

So then I went back to my host and changed the "points to" value from n8.nabble.com to our forum page of western-hills-church.103910.n8.nabble.com with the ttl value remaining at 14400

After i made this change i waited roughly 36 hours and tried to visit forum.westernhillschurch.org and the page that is rendered is still https://www.nabble.com/

Is this something you can assist with?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
It should be a CNAME pointing to n8.nabble.com as per the page. Try setting it this way again and I'll have a look again.
The current setting I see, an A record to western-hills-church.103910.n8.nabble.com, is incorrect.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

5 posts
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
I think I've done this correctly
I've set up a CNAME on my hosting server called
However, I'm not entirely sure what to do now other than inform you that this has been done.
Where do I put the html for the forum?
Does it have to be in a folder with a particular name?
What should I call the page? Does that have to have a particular name?
Many thanks for your help
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Re: Https Protocol Request

5 posts
Could you please set up https protocol for forum.woodendhouse.co.uk
Thank you
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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
Tester wrote
Could you please set up https protocol for forum.woodendhouse.co.uk
Thank you
What's the URL of the forum so I can have a look?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
This post was updated on Feb 15, 2019; 4:59pm.
In reply to this post by Raven<Nabble>
Hi I am in need of a HTTPS protocol !!!!!!!!!!

My Nabble Forum    

My domain is      

Can you please direct my Nabbel forum to direct to my domain as well? I have already submitted the changes and set my DNS correctly. Still waiting....
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Hi I am in need of a HTTPS protocol !!!!!

3 posts
In reply to this post by NS
Hi I am in need of a HTTPS protocol !!!!!!!!!!

My Nabble Forum    

My domain is      

Can you please direct my Nabbel forum to direct to my domain as well? I have already submitted the changes and set my DNS correctly. Still waiting....
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3896 posts
In reply to this post by CRYPTO_KING
Hi Crypto King,

https://www.cryptotalk.rocks/forum is not the correct format. You need to create a CNAME record for a subdomain, e.g. forum.cryptotalk.rocks for your forum, not simply a dedicated folder for your forum.

See: http://support.nabble.com/Https-Protocol-Request-tp7600969p7602514.html
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

3 posts
Hey I have got the domain issue fixed. I just need https: now.

My Domain
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Ryan Sitzmann
11 posts

I am in need of a HTTPS protocol as well. I've listed some of my forum/website information, but let me know if you need any other information to process/fix.

My Nabble Forum:

My domain:      

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Re: Https Protocol Request

24 posts
Hello Ryan,

You will need to follow the instructions to set up a cname record such as:

Also, since you use blogger forget about embeddeding the forum on the page once https is turned on, it does not work as expected. I spent months trying everything you can think of. 

So, you will need to insure your links go to your new cname (whatever you want it to be) and disable ALL re-directs and embeds/frames.

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 3:39 PM Ryan Sitzmann [via Nabble Support]  wrote:

I am in need of a HTTPS protocol as well. I've listed some of my forum/website information, but let me know if you need any other information to process/fix.

My Nabble Forum:

My domain:      


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Re: Https Protocol Request

199 posts
In reply to this post by CRYPTO_KING
Hey I have got the domain issue fixed. I just need https: now.

My Domain
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Re: Https Protocol Request

4 posts
Hi, I've created a hosting CNAME to point 'forum' to 'n8.nabble.com' - no idea if this will work, as my site is on weebly, forum url is:

Embedded forum link is:
Js source is:

What else do i need to make the forum work with https?

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