Hi, it's kara sharing what comes to me wrongly!
Re: Downsizing Nabble
forum recovery help [via Nabble Support] <no-reply@nabble.com>
Aug 2, 2021, 10:28 PM (21 hours ago)
to me
Israel, my friend, I wrote it but it doesn't show up. I wonder if I couldn't post it to the forum while I was dealing with google translation because there is no complete translation. Anyway, I request the protection of my forum in the link -->
http://klima-forumu.1111995.n5.nabble.com/ thank you and I wish you a good forum.
https://support.nabble.com/Downsizing-Nabble-tp7609715p7610605.htmlTo unsubscribe from Downsizing Nabble, click here.
Gesvilsur [via Nabble Support] <no-reply@nabble.com>
1:49 AM (17 hours ago)
to me
Your domain name currently resolves to an IP address that doesn't belong to Nabble. Please follow the instructions (see link below) in order to update your DNS. If you have just updated your DNS, please wait 24 hours for the changes to take affect.
Access your application with a custom domain name.
Nabble Default URL
http://piezas-de-ocasion.54354.x6.nabble.com/Your Own Domain
Step 1
Go to your Domain Registrar and set the CNAME-record for your custom domain to x6.nabble.com. (show me more details)
(After this change, wait a little bit for the DNS to propagate. Then open your custom domain url in the browser to see if the change is propagated – if successful, you should get redirected to the Nabble home page)
Step 2
Enter your custom domain name below:
http://piezasdeocacion.esExample: mydomain.com
Step 3
After saving your changes, your old URLs will continue to work and will automatically redirect to your custom domain URL. You will also receive an email with a link to revert this domain change.
or Cancel
para surta efecto que tengo que esperar 24 horas ?
https://support.nabble.com/Downsizing-Nabble-tp7609715p7610631.htmljohnchand [via Nabble Support] <no-reply@nabble.com>
2:55 AM (16 hours ago)
to me
Please preserve my Forum
https://support.nabble.com/Downsizing-Nabble-tp7609715p7610645.htmlMarc W [via Nabble Support] <no-reply@nabble.com>
9:08 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
please preserve my forum:
patches` + pockets` everywhere are linking, good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.
come talk..
`i come to talk story