Cant get vimeo embed code to work

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Cant get vimeo embed code to work


The attached vimeo code does not post on my site: Any ideas

<nabble_embed><iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Daily workout 10/15/14</a> from <a href="">Primetime</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>/nabble_embed>
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Re: Cant get vimeo embed code to work


Bug Report!

The code you posted doesn't appear to be complete. The closing /nabble_embed tag is not all there - although that might be because you did not enclose the tag in "raw" tags.

However, there does appear to be a bug in Nabble code or documentation as enclosing the code provided by Vimeo in nabble_embed tags does not run the video. It just shows the code!

The work around is to check the box "Message is in HTML format" and use only the code provided by vimeo (i.e. do NOT use the nabble_embed tags). However, that does mean that you need to wrap every other part of the message in appropriate HTML tags

Daily workout 10/15/14 from Primetime on Vimeo.

Click Reply and then use the "Quote" button to see the HTML code I have used to write this message.

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Re: Cant get vimeo embed code to work

In reply to this post by carter4024
Awesome that worked but it does not show the thumbnail in the main gallery. Once I click on the title the thumbnail is there and I can plan the video. Any idea why that happens? Gallery url below:

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Re: Cant get vimeo embed code to work

carter4024 wrote
Awesome that worked but it does not show the thumbnail in the main gallery. Once I click on the title the thumbnail is there and I can plan the video. Any idea why that happens?

But it's almost certainly to do with the fact that my workaround leaves the iframe code in a raw state. As it's then effectively just an embedded link, I'm guessing that Nabble doesn't have a chance to grab and generate a thumbnail from internal resources.

This is definitely a bug Pedro needs to look at!

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Re: Cant get vimeo embed code to work

Thanks Greg!!