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by Hugo <Nabble> • | | 3 comments
Nabble now generates thumbnails for Youtube videos and external images. As you might have seen in the forum front page , the thumbnail for this post is based on the video below.
by Hugo <Nabble> • | | 0 comments
The mixed format now has the ability to show thumbnails on the forum main page. If you have a gallery under your forum, the thumbnails will be displayed on a single row, with arrows to move the pictures left/right. Remember also that you can define the number of pictures to be displayed .
by Hugo <Nabble> • | | 0 comments
Now you can define the number of topics to be displayed on your forum, gallery, news, blog app. Click on "Options > Editor > Change appearance" and go to the new "Number of Topics" section. If your forum has the mixed format, you can also define how many topics each more
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GregChapman Israel <Nabble> Will <Nabble> fffilimnov
Mencey Melgar Franklin <Nabble> DavidJCobb