i once reas a comment that one can due 1ooo comments to a subcatagorie before having to make a new subcataogrie, is this still true, for NAbble was stating they would increase?
also is their a limit to a file to be uploaded?
what format due you recommend, ex: libre, microsoft starter, Abi 1, etc.?
if this upload is lengthy ex; photos + say up to 150-200 pages, doe this than be accepted?
also if upload is lengthy, does it cut into the amount of comments that can be than posted?
you allow us to email comment, but can we do a bulk email list mail out, or should i just go thru my email service?
do you offer a comparison chart, that people could than interact with, or suggestions? if so how many posts would we be limited to?
i'm attempting to make an archive of people exchanging community `plans; thought in progress, strategies, + schematics, for community development in like ex; fresh water, wind, land, etc. so i put up several subcategories for each one, where a chart would be nice to click on, + see a title of each fresh water development vs having to scroll down comments for 1 subcatagorie, due your see?
or is their a way for titles only to be listed under subcatagories, yet still keep our newspaper lay out, so as in posts come up on left side + subcatagories are on right side? it would be nice to see titles of each post only for left colum + under subcatagories.
thank you for your input, kara
patches` + pockets` everywhere are linking, good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.
come talk..
`i come to talk story