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Israel can you do something about this?

Posted by MichaelAtOz on Dec 13, 2022; 9:02am
URL: https://support.nabble.com/Israel-can-you-do-something-about-this-tp7613092.html

The amount of SPAM on the support forum is more than I get anywhere else.
Surely something can be done to filter SOME of it?

Subject all CAPS (label these '[SPAM]' then email can filter); 
"<a href" links with "link="external" (except to *.nabble.com) more than say 4 in an email; 
any links with "<a href="https://www.outlookindia.com";
contains "gummies"/"keto"/"cholesterol"/"healthy weight"/"metabolism"/
"immunity system"/"immune system"/"antioxidants"/"burn fat"/"losing weight"/"anti-inflammatory"
"<br/><br/>For More Information Please visit, <b><a href="
That should eliminate a good number.