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Re: The Future of Nabble

Posted by our combined `effect on Jan 11, 2021; 3:52pm
URL: https://support.nabble.com/The-Future-of-Nabble-tp7605923p7608062.html

Me too, thinking Saudi!
Will Nabble keep running all along?
Peace is real for earthlings, if they accept nothing less!
lov, kara

On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 12:06 AM Franklin [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:
our combined `effect wrote
Happy New Year to Nabble!

So Franklin, since I love your words from your heart, what is going on now?

What do you need or want?
Thanks, I need to get out of America not too long after Jan 20 when the Silicon Valley fascists take over.  When I am settled abroad, I will reconsider Blasma again.
Good Software

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     patches` +  pockets` everywhere are linking,  good folks are building this network by coming together eye to eye sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works.

       come talk..
                        `i come to talk story