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Re: HTTPS Protocol

Posted by jeepe on Jun 18, 2019; 5:25am
URL: https://support.nabble.com/HTTPS-Protocol-tp7600829p7603738.html

dear Israel,

sorry for this question, but are you sure that people need to buy a domain to have SSL?

I mean, why can't it be implemented server-wise, too?

I have no objection to registering a domain, not at all :)
BUT it happens that some forums have been using the same URL for AGES ...
and they would be stupid to drop it for a privately owned domain name...

now that SSL is absolutely FREE, thanks to Letsencrypt.org (whom nabble.com uses at the opening page, too), I see zero obstacles... and I don't understand why couldn't Letsencrypt's FREE certificates be installed over the the entire server?

I mean, before Letsencrypt.. when a certificate would cost  a significant amount and not everybody would want one... it would certainly make sense to allow SSL on a per forum basis..

but now that it is FREE for ALL, it could be.. applied for all forums... and everybody's life would be nicer and easier, wouldn't it? :)

BTW, thanks for the wonderful & free service! :)
