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Re: Https Protocol Request

Posted by WHCCguy on Jan 30, 2019; 7:19pm
URL: https://support.nabble.com/Https-Protocol-Request-tp7600969p7602590.html

Raven<Nabble> wrote
WHCCguy wrote
I believe I have completed the necessary steps for you to enable he HTTPS on your end. The domain name is https://forum.westernhillschurch.org
Raven, I have a question if you can help.
When I first set up the CNAME I had to get my host (bluehost) to help me with the CNAME setup because I've recently taken over this website and was unfmailiar where in the interface to set up the CNAME.

When the support tech set the CNAME up for me, I had them point the CNAME to n8.nabble.com because that was what the directions showed in the link you gave me (http://western-hills-church.103910.n8.nabble.com/help/DNSConfiguration.jtp)

However, when I directed my browser to test functionality after you enabled the https protocal to forum.westernhillschurch.org the page that was rendered in https is the main nabble page (https://www.nabble.com/)

So then I went back to my host and changed the "points to" value from n8.nabble.com to our forum page of western-hills-church.103910.n8.nabble.com with the ttl value remaining at 14400

After i made this change i waited roughly 36 hours and tried to visit forum.westernhillschurch.org and the page that is rendered is still https://www.nabble.com/

Is this something you can assist with?