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Re: Https Protocol Request

Posted by cinemapersians on Oct 26, 2018; 4:17pm
URL: https://support.nabble.com/Https-Protocol-Request-tp7600969p7601705.html

I was thinking I’d have to do something like that.

This all started because the members were afraid (end users!) when they saw that our website (a fan site for a professional dancer) was not secure.  There are no purchases, etc. from this site, but they were still afraid so the other Administrator decided to do something, despite me telling her how not a big deal this was.

Thanks, Raven!  I’ll let you know when it’s done.

Pamela F. Cox
[hidden email]

On Oct 26, 2018, at 8:04 AM, Raven<Nabble> [via Nabble Support] <[hidden email]> wrote:


You need to set a custom domain for your forum that matches the base domain of the site you're embedding on. For example, forum.macmaniacs.org. You'll need to set a CNAME record for that subdomain to point to n4.nabble.com. Information here: http://macmanialand.2305606.n4.nabble.com/help/DNSConfiguration.jtp
Once you've done that, I will be able to enable HTTPS on our end.

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