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Re: Https Protocol Request

Posted by Harvey on Oct 20, 2018; 4:19pm
URL: https://support.nabble.com/Https-Protocol-Request-tp7600969p7601660.html

Gary Lewis wrote
I sure appreciate y'all being the guinea pigs on this.  I'll hide and watch as my forum is small enough that having these issues could drive the users away and the forum would fail.  So, since no one is complaining about the "Not Secure" from Google, I'll wait until the kinks get worked out.

Thanks again!
It's not altruism for me.

We did 55,000 sessions in the last year from Google Search. It's over 20% of our traffic.

Google has been quite clear that sites that are not https will be de-emphasized in search results.  

In addition, to push this change Google (through CHROME) is starting to warn users:

"You are visiting a site that is not secure. Are you sure you want to proceed?"

This is bound to further reduce traffic. Since October 1 — Google's "deadline" — users are emailing me asking about these warnings.

I need this resolved.
HTTPS Please!