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Re: Https Protocol Request

Posted by Raven<Nabble> on Aug 08, 2018; 6:46am
URL: https://support.nabble.com/Https-Protocol-Request-tp7600969p7601192.html

goldenring20000 wrote
Is there any other blog platform, where it is already solved or could be solved?
And what is the major problem with the issue?
I don't know about other platforms.
The issue is that you need access to a custom domain that you can set up for use with nabble. So you need access to the DNS records to add a cname record. And the base domain of that domain needs to match the domain of where you're embedding it. eg you set your forum custom domain to forum.mydomain.com and embed it on mydomain.com. So as far as I know, there's nothing you can do unless you have a custom domain. The best option is probably to try and turn off HTTPS if you can.