reply addresses when answering eMail notifications seem misleading

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reply addresses when answering eMail notifications seem misleading


the people from my Nabble communities are not so much computer literate as to be able to understand how the Nabble system works and where eMails go when they are replied. So, when they have received a notification eMail, e.g. initiated by a post in a forum, they press the reply button of their eMail client to reply to the poster (sender). BUT: To the replying person it is not evident that the eMail goes straight back into the forum and not just to the former poster. The eMail reply address says:


Would it be possible to set the reply address of the notification eMail, so that it says something like

when the receiver creates an eMail answer?

Could this be done in NAML? Where should I start looking, to design a solution myself?

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Re: reply addresses when answering eMail notifications seem misleading

I'm not expecting anybody to help me implement anything (yet). Just a short answer would do. As the NAML documentation is very "basic", I don't see another way than ask and ask again:

Is NAML capable of configuring/modifying the reply address carried by eMail notifications? Where should I look?