Gale (Audacity Team) wrote
It didn't seem to happen for quite a while. I could still search the Audacity forum for "Albusche" and find the post, I agree searching for it finds nothing now which is her main concern. The poster just sent an e-mail to the associated address, not from Nabble, so is unregistered. So she would have to register to delete the post would she?
I deleted that thread for you.
Gale (Audacity Team) wrote
On most Forums e.g. PhpBB, designated people can edit anyone's post e.g. to remove an expletive, without having to remove the post. Would it not be an idea if the list owner could do that?
At Nabble, we try to keep a balance of user privileges in order to protect one against the other. We consider a post an exclusive property of its owner. Forum owners can remove his posts, but never delete them. Forum owners can ban users, but never delete their posts. We do this in order to prevent abuse. Post editing also falls into these rules. So we prefer that people talk to reach an agreement instead of giving too much power to just one or two users. This is our philosophy.
Hugo Teixeira