no embed code

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no embed code

Unbelieveable!  Many people have requested the location of the embed code.  NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE has provided the exact, specific web site location - right down to the file - where the embed code is listed - nor have they copied that code and pasted it in an answering post.  The only reference with an answer doesn't provide the code ... they don't list the web address ... all the do is chastize the questioner as to why they used the "old code" ... and the answering person DOES NOT PROVIDE THE FRIGGIN' EMBED CODE anywhere in their response.  No wonder Nabble isn't more widely used - the support sucks.
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Re: no embed code

Your post is unbelievable too!

Click the Help link on the Nabble Home page and the first option in the "Embeddable Applications" section takes you to a page that says:

All you have to do is go to your application, click on "Options > Embedding options" and you will see a text area with a code snippet.

Copy and paste that snippet into your HTML web page. Now open the page and you will see that your forum loads up seamlessly. No installation, no HTML hassle, just copy and paste.

It can't be much simpler - and of course no one is going to post the detail of the link you need to post your forum in a public place as it is unique to your forum.

I am at a loss to know what your rant is about. Perhaps you would care to be more specific about your problem.

# What are you trying to embed in what? (URLs please)
# Are you an administrator of the Nabble in question?
# Are you logged in as an administrator when attempting the operation?

Your reference to "old code" suggests that your question is, in fact, not about embedding a Nabble application in your own web site, as I initially assumed, but probably refers to a question about embedding a YouTube video, but you don't provide a link to help anyone identify the response to which you refer, making it difficult for anyone to offer specific help and a useful answer to be given.

If this is what your question is about then the URL of the code needed is found on the YouTube site and  the original poster will knows that already, and Nabble staff will not, so your rant is misdirected. The problem there is that YouTube recently changed its preferred embedding code and Nabble only accepts the old version, so referring a Nabble user to the "old code" is a straight forward and complete answer to the question. The original poster will have all the other information needed already.

If this post does not cover your issue, try again! Be specific and clear. What is your question?
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: no embed code

In reply to this post by mainstmentor
Hmmm... Strange that! A lot of us are extremely happy with Nabble.
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Re: no embed code

Peter <Nabble>
In reply to this post by mainstmentor
If you searched here at the support and found ppl who didn't have their answers, it surely won't help you.

Usually when people don't get the help they need is because they couldn't provide enough information or because they found out the solution by themselves before they had an answer.

I'm sorry for your frustration but I'm pretty sure your post isn't getting your answer too because you just forget to tell what do you want to embed where.
Nabble staff. We never ask for passwords.