is it possible migrate our entire Nabble forum to our new MyBB forum or phpbb

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is it possible migrate our entire Nabble forum to our new MyBB forum or phpbb

is it possible migrate our entire Nabble forum to our new MyBB forum or phpbb  if yes then how..
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Re: is it possible migrate our entire Nabble forum to our new MyBB forum or phpbb

If you are thinking of a simple end user point and click file download/upload solution then no.

If you have advanced programming skills and the time to undertake the task then, in theory, I guess it must be possible - but don't ask me how, I'm not at that level.

The only practical solution for those wishing to transfer to another service is to leave the existing forum running and provide a link to it from your new forum.

I must ask - what is so attractive about those other services that make Nabble worth abandoning?
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.