Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
tw9902 wrote
i made a forum for mods only and it is only alowed to be posted or seen by selected users. only problem is how do i get it to dissapear from the front page of my forum?
Some users want private sub-forums to be seen on the public front page. In your case, it seems that no hard is done by exposing a "mods only" forum on the front page, right? I am just curious why you need it hidden.
tw9902 wrote
EDIT:i also just accidentally deleted myself from my forums. i can log in but cant see any psots threads nothing. how do i fix this as well
If you deleted a forum or thread, then you can't undo it. But if you just removed a forum or thread, then you can still find them in your account - you can go to a forum or post and use the Options menu to move or change parent-child relationship there.