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I have an arc info grid 'AAIGrid' that I am re sampling to a new resolution. At the same time, I would like it to be output as a golden software ascii grid 'GSAG'. It says I cannot do this, although gdal_translate can. I am running FWTools 2.4.7 through OSgeo4W on a WinXP 64 bit machine.
The command I use is:
gdalwarp -r cubic -tr 2 2 -of GSAG ./l0612b_15cl ./l0612b_cl.grd

If I run this with output set to GSBG, all works well. If gdalwarp cannot output to a GSAG file, is there a way to pipe the gdalwarp output to gdal_translate? If so, I can't seem to find the proper syntax. Or, am I looking at a 2 step process or other script to wrap the 2 steps?
Thanks in advance,