control the order of pinned sub-forums

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control the order of pinned sub-forums

How can I control the order in which pinned sub-forums are presented.  I am presenting a movie comments forum, and I want the latest movie to be at the top of the list.  When I create a new sub-forum it appears at the bottom of the list.  How do I move it to the top?  

Are sub-forums the best way to handle this type of forum?  Can I restrict it so that only I can create sub-forums?


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Re: control the order of pinned sub-forums

Hi Jim,
jphyde wrote
How can I control the order in which pinned sub-forums are presented.
Options > Structure > Manage sub-categories

(The last option in the tree may have a different name depending on the application used)
I am presenting a movie comments forum, and I want the latest movie to be at the top of the list.  When I create a new sub-forum it appears at the bottom of the list.  How do I move it to the top?
See previous answer!
Are sub-forums the best way to handle this type of forum?
I can't think of a better way - but do check out the various applications, in particular, "Mixed", "Board" and "Category" which all present your forum in slightly different ways that you might prefer.
Can I restrict it so that only I can create sub-forums?
That is the default position! The management of forums, including sub-forums, is controlled by the permissions "Create_sub_apps" and "Edit_app". Access these via:

Options > Users > Change Permissions.

By default, these are both set so that only those is the "Administrator" group have these permissions.

Permissions are inherited from their parent, so if you should award a permission to those in other groups then they will also get that permission in all child applications - unless reset at a lower level.
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