closing topics

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closing topics


please, tell me, if it is possible (or will be it possible) to close single topics on forums while not deleting them?

Thank you for answers.
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Re: closing topics

Will <Nabble>
Good question. We don't have this function right now.

We are very much user driven. So, we'll add feature based on user request. How important is this to you? I assume you only need it when you have super active forum, right?

I also assume that you need this feature when a thread grows really deep or wide. Currently we do allow forum owner to split a large thread at any node into multiple smaller threads.
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Re: closing topics

The need of such feature is connected with forums' rules. It is used when somone is breaking the rules of forum - especially multiplies topics.

When the topic is a copy of some previous one, hidden deep in forum's history, moderator can put link to the repeated topic, close new topic, and write an apriopriate extract from the forum rules.

In such cases it is much better than deleting topics, because it acts as an example, reminder and warning. It helps to keep order on forums. I would strongly recommend adding it.

The second thing about that feature are topics that act as an announcments. E.g. when we publish the rules of forum on it, we create a topic, we pin it (to be always on top) but we don't want anybody to write sth in it. It just has to be an information. And in such case, closing topic does what we want.
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Re: closing topics

Will <Nabble>
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds reasonable. So, we'll put it on our to-do list, but it will probably take a few weeks before we get to it because of other priorities.