changing font in titles

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changing font in titles

Online-TipJar Admin
I would like to use a custom font DejaVuSansCondensed.  I was able to change the main font to DejaVuSansBook, but can't seem to affect the title font.  Both when it is a link, and when it is an H1

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Re: changing font in titles

Online-TipJar Admin wrote
I would like to use a custom font DejaVuSansCondensed.  I was able to change the main font to DejaVuSansBook, but can't seem to affect the title font.  Both when it is a link, and when it is an H1
You'll need to post the CSS that you've used to be able to help diagnose the problem. However, I'd advise against you trying with your chosen font!

The Codesyle site's font survey suggests that only 86.83% of people with Linux-based machines have that font installed and DejaVuSansBook isn't even listed!

By specifying a font that isn't even available to Windows or Mac users most people will not see your preferred font and will see some substitute that is available on their machines.

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