Why not create a space for adsense code.

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Why not create a space for adsense code.

I like Nabble and feels happy that it continuously bringing new features. But why not Nabble is creating a space in the forum where we poor soul can put our Adsense code.
It feels really bad that in-spite of lots of unique visitors on my forum, I can't monetize it with Adsense. I think it is not a tough matter for Nabble Admin to create a space or div tag where we can paste our Adsense code.

I know Nabble forum is embaddable, so if someone paste adsense (imagine Nabble have provided this feature) it will break adsense TOS because it appears inside iframe and adsense inside iframe is against TOS. But also there are many Nabble user who are with custom domain (I am with custom domain on Nabble) so in such cases it will not break Adsense TOS.
Hope, someday Nabble will bring this feature asap.
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Re: Why not create a space for adsense code.

I understand that this will be possible once Nabble's "Templates" feature is released. This should be "real soon now"!

In the meantime see:

EDIT: See:
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.