Why is there no way to change HTML

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Why is there no way to change HTML

To All,
     I would like to know if there is a way to change the header and footer HTML of my board.  CSS is mainly used for behavioral situations, but can only be available if you also incorporate HTML with CSS.  When will Nabble Board owners be able to augment using HTML.  I have a Board with another source that allows you to create so many styles using both HTML and CSS.  I hope to be able to place an image or Banner in place of what we are given to really liven the board.  Please Help Me!  Thank you.
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Re: Why is there no way to change HTML

Hugo <Nabble>
This will be possible when we release the templates feature, but you will have to wait a few months until we finish this work. If you want us to change the HTML of your apps right now, you can post to the Premium Support forum and we will do this for you (and other custom requests that you may have).