paul4ut wrote
I have a Blogger weblog, and need a simple forum. Nabble looks like the ticket, but I can't find the source code. Can someone tell me where it is located? When I go to Options, I get two choices: Subscribe via email, and Post by email.
The embedding code is available from a screen once you have created your own Nabble forum. What you are seeing are the options available to a "registered" user on a Nabble forum. You need to be logged on as a user with "Administrator" permissions (The username you used when you created your forum). You will then see additional options, including "Embedding options". The screen you reach from there will provide you with the code to place in your weblog to embed it.
Also, how can I log-in to my account by going to All I see is info about registering for another account.
Once you have created your forum it will have its own URL. You will login at that URL.
(One word of warning: I recall that some of the popular blogging software require a paid-for account to enable embedding in their software to take place. I can't recall if Blogger is one of them.)
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.