When did ad-removal pricing change?

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When did ad-removal pricing change?

I started a Nabble Forum for my local non-profit amateur radio club back in February this year. At that time I understood that after an initial period ads would appear but could be removed at $5 for 10,00 views and $25 for 100,000 views. This worked well for me, our club has a lowish view rate and I would expect $25 to keep our forums ad-free at least one year, possible 2 or 3 years. So my plan was to anonymously donate $25 to turn off ads and all would be good.

However the new pricing of $3.95 per month really hits small, non-profit clubs like us hard and although Nabble is fantastic value at $3.95 per month it might not now be the best solution for us. There seemed to be no fore-warning about the change, because had I know in February I may have investigated alternatives further.

If I can proffer one small criticism of Nabble it is that information seems very slow to update. Even now it seems difficult to find definitive information on pricing policies.
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Re: When did ad-removal pricing change?

There was a post made on 17 July announcing the changes.

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Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: When did ad-removal pricing change?

Oops! The correct link for your question was a post on 27 May.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.