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So I've been getting complaints about people receiving a virus when they hit our forum? Can someone explain to me whey this is happening!
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Re: VIRUS!!!!!!!!

First, you'll have to explain much more about the complaints, e.g.:
# the forum URL
# what measures you have to prevent untrusted users posting on your forum
# what details your users provide to back up the virus claims
# what you have done to confirm their claim
# why you believe they have good reason for their complaint
and so on...

then there is a chance of being able to tell you why you are getting the complaints.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: VIRUS!!!!!!!!

In reply to this post by BlackWidow
Well dear if people received a virus its mean his computer is infected from virus and he want to protection of your computer. In that condition (Malware Removal) is the best options for safe your computer from virus.