I received this email from a Visitor. It concerns Turning “Tunnelling” on and off.
First email from this Visitor:
"I was just messing about and noticed that none of the individual threads will load using AOL9. I only get a blank page. F5 just loops it back to the home page."
And then this Email came.
"Whether this was an actual fix or purely coincidence; Keyword , browserfix seems to have done the trick. All pages now loading ok - no blanks."
And another email from the visitor on same subject.
"I haven't a clue what tunnelling is or does in this case. All i know is that; Keyword browserfix toggles tunelling on and off.
When it was off, I could get to your site but links failed to open. Turning tunnelling on, seemed to cure it."
Does tunneling - on or off - have anything to do with viewing threads on a Nabble site? I know it has something to do with a browser - like hide history...This is an AOL9.0 System
Thanks for any - Claude