Topic count error!

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Topic count error!

On our management only forum the topic count next to the link shows 23 topics
When I go into the forum there are 12 topics with a count at the top showing 12 topics!

Please see screen shots

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Re: Topic count error!

Will <Nabble>
It's actually not an error, and here is why.

Note that the count of 2 and 12 are following "Sub-forums & Topics" - the count is a count of the "son" sub-forums and "son" topics, i.e. those sub-forums and topics that are directly under the current forum. It doesn't count the topics in sub-forums.

If you switch to "Topics view", then you see all the topics under a forum. Then it will show the count of the all the topics.

I agree that the wording there is probably misleading. If you can suggest a better way of handling it, we will consider changing the UI.
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Re: Topic count error!

Thanks Will.
It took me a few minuites to grasp your explanation but I've got it now.

It's a consitency issue I think.

The problem stems from the numbers being different rather than the wording if that makes sense.

If the number of Sub-forums & Topics showed as being the same in both views then that would make sense but would leave space for an argument to change the wording as well to say something like

"Sub-Forums(2 with 13 topics) Topics (12)"

But I'm not sure about this.
Whatever you think is best as I can't get my head tound how a change like this would effect anything else at the moment.


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Re: Topic count error!

Graham Perrin
I gain great meaning from:

* Last Post (date)
* Replies (count)

I occasionally consider:

* Views (count)

— but I don't treat this count as meaningful; AFAIK my own repeated visit to my own post (whilst I'm reviewing, correcting) will bubble the count upwards unrealistically.

I never observe the topic count. I never even think about it.

As the ways of presenting Nabble fora, with and without children and grandchildren, are so diverse: I doubt that you'll arrive at a method of counting that's universally understood.

My suggestion:

* remove the topic count.

For a moment, forget theory and semantics.

Simply: use an existing forum for around a month, ideally a forum that's reasonably busy. At the end of the month:

* how often has the topic count informed your approach to that forum?
