Tips to Nabble

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Tips to Nabble


 Sorry in advance for my bad English! I use google translator.

 But I'm a nabble users, and I was wondering if you at nabble,
 could do so that users could get a better profile?

 So that they could post photos, (photo gallery) and write a bit
 about himself, etc.. (ie on their own profiles)

 And that if one's father and look at someone's profile, so if it is seen, so
 would be able to chat (private) with it?

 So that users could go and watch other people's profiles and chat
 Private mm. Could you encode it?

 And then what if you change anything? Updates automatically every nabble forum
 or must all do it themselves, manually? And how do you probably find the moderator?

 Thanks for the replies!

 Sincerely, Joachim