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Tips on backing up?

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Tips on backing up?

62 posts
First off, hello to my friends here at Nabble.

After using Nabble as my forum which is linked to a site that holds my domain name, for quite awhile, I feel the need to at least back things up.  

The site I’m linked to gives me an FTP manager.
And I’m told I can use that to transfer my Nabble data/content to, well, they recommend Google Workstation or whatever they call it.  
For an annual fee.

Is there a way to put all of my Nabble stuff on a flash drive or something?

I don’t really even know how much Cyclevisor.com, the forums, takes up at this point.

But I know I don’t want to lose it.

Thoughts anyone?
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Re: Tips on backing up?

Gary Lewis
553 posts
You can back up your forum via the "backup" function of Nabble.  Go to the main page of your forum, click Options, and then Backup.  There you'll see a note that says "The backup file is generated with the JdbcPgBackup tool, which is an open source project in Java. You should visit the project website if you want to restore your backup into a Postgresql database."  What that apparently means is that you could restore your website on Nabble, but nowhere else.

When you click the Generate Backup button the system works in the background and then sends you a link via email which you can click to download the backup.  But when you click the link the only way it works for me is to right-click it and open it in an incognito window.  And even then you have to hit the Reload this page button to get it to pop up the menu to let you chose where to save it.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/