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The Future of Nabble

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The Future of Nabble – Nabble is not profitable. Google AdSense is paying less and isn't covering costs. I have asked Israel to look into ways of getting more money. ...
Happy New Year to Nabble! So Franklin, since I love your words from your heart, what is going on now? What do you need or want? let us al...
Thanks, I need to get out of America not too long after Jan 20 when the Silicon Valley fascists take over. When I am settled abroad, I will rec...
Thanks! Me too, thinking Saudi! Will Nabble keep running all along? Peace is real for earthlings, if they accept nothing less! lov, kara On...
How's the book balancing going? Well, I hope.
Not sure if you talking to me kara or Nabble? Please explain! On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 10:41 AM zero777 [via Nabble Support] < ml+s1n76084...
Sorry , I was asking Israel. When he emailed me , it seemed like a big job to balance the books. Hoping for an update.
zero777, Not yet.
I'm just seeing this topic for the first time. I run a nabble forum with many hundreds of users and would be sad to lose the community and forum ...
I use Nabble so I just keep it running. I have no plans to do anything with Nabble. But if you could find a non-depraved programmer willing to...
tengo estos foros http://construccion.100.s1.nabble.com http://acero.101.s1.nabble.com http://inmobiliaria.102.s1.nabble.com http://carton-y...
Franklin, or others, is there any news on the replacement for Nabble? I'm toying with moving to a new platform and want to know if I should consi...
I originally planned to write a replacement for Nabble, but I changed my mind and won't do this. I only support Nabble for my own use. Nabble wi...
Thank you, Franklin. That's not the answer I wanted, but I fully understand where you are coming from. And thank you, again, for supporting my f...
Sure, that's fine.
Thanks, a bunch. We have a lot of good answers in that forum, and a lot of history documented, so do not want to lose it. But we have started ...
Gary, would be curious to know what (if any) replacement you've found?
Marc - We are moving over to Invision. We've already paid them $2050 to do the migration and they will move everything to their hosted service, w...
Hi Gary. Did you succeed, because your Nabble Forum appears to still be running. Weebly are promoting Nabble as a Forum Solution - not so smart...
WE did succeed. Not "I", but "we". Go check out the Bullnose Forum on InVision. The folks at InVision know their stuff. ...
Were they able to migrate people's actual accounts too? Or did everyone using your forum have to make a new account? And, who did you contact ...
Everything came over. People's accounts, the # of posts they'd made as well as the posts themselves, the emoticons, everything associated with th...
It looks great. I'll try Invision to add a similar Forum in a Weebly site...
tengo estos foros http://construccion.100.s1.nabble.com http://acero.101.s1.nabble.com http://inmobiliaria.102.s1.nabble.com http://carton-y...
Hi Franklin and all! Without being a tech, I can only add what I think is needed to your thoughts, and you can translate it for you are skil...
I'm a latecomer to the news. Thanks for the service over the years.
Interested in helping both in coding and profitability. Wanna keep this going for everybody to use.
I’m not sure why this was addressed to me. All that I’m trying to do is get the ads off of my forum. Nothing else. Pamela F. Cox pamela.cox@...
I'm not sure why there's a reply about addressing anybody. I was just offering to help. Nothing else. That was a very strange reply. Is it som...
No, it's a guide on how to install Nabble. I was intended to reply Harvey.
I replied to a much earlier message from Pamela Fox right after my message in September because I just got an email sending her message to my mai...
Hi, I can't answer the truth of this board of Nabble Support, but Nabble can? I believe because this subject matter started on one of my posts...
Is there an update on how long Nabble will continue? Is there any way I can move my forum to my own host? Would really like not to lose it a...
We have no plan to close Nabble. The ideia is to replace Nabble by Blasma. Nabble is open source you can hire a programmer and then install it on...
I hired a programmer. He asked me: "Is there a guide to installing Nabble? Where can we download the code and get a copy of the existi...
Thanks for the update. I'm very sorry to see this, but it is important that we know so we can lay plans. My forum, http://www.garysgaragemahal...
IF I may suggest, try create a Classifieds-like forum for paying members that they can use to run ads of their own so that they can earn from it t...
Thank you ! Can you explain please? I thought Nabble did not allow advertising because you advertise? And because we are a US 501.c3 nonprofit ...
I would like to stay on Nabble, I have put alot of hours with codes and it works. Please let me know if this will happend, if so, I need to back e...
It's always important to keep a backup. We're still solving some internal problems for while.
I hope that Nabble stays :) and I am also willing to pay a fee as I have it set up just the way I want it! :) Can you give instructions on how ...
Hello Patty, We don't plan to close Nabble for while. We're trying to fix some internal issues.
Let me ask this question please! If Nabble gets it all together, are you blocking people for what they post? Do you allow embedded webinars into ...
Nabble is a free speech platform (within the limits of the law). I happen to agree with you that Covid is a scam pushed by the genocidal scum G...
Interested to hear more about this theory.
Also some in CDC is corrupt, manipulating math going for mandatory vaccines, see Robert Kennedy Jr w/1 mill 300k people in Berlin rally no mask,...
What advantage is gained by mandatory toxic vaccines?
Profiting for those powers at be! Functional Medicine knows how it was toxic in past + in future, as well as profit motivated! If you see these ...
Any updates on this? If we need to find an alternative it would be cool to get some advance warning. Thx.
Hi, Ask Nabble! Last I know they are going forward! Good day, kara On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 12:57 PM zero777 [via Nabble Support] < ml+s1...
Franklin, our experiences traveling the world, and more once I start scaling agroecological systems and these plans, we've met real people every...
Thank you Sir! I will look at Good software! kara On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 1:47 PM Franklin [via Nabble Support] < ml+s1n7606891h90@...> ...
Hi Franklin, Thank you very much for keeping Nabble running for those years. Could you please also move my forum to the server that you will ke...
Did you give up on the fund raising? We would have paid a voluntary subscription in July & August.
I don't understand, I offered my help and Franklin did not accept due to us being a US nonprofit! I have a full plate right now and I listened t...
Oh, my. Many years ago I used Nabble for my Startup website. I have such fond memories, and Nabble holds a special place for me. I wish there was ...
Oh gosh - I've just seen this - we have been so happy with our private forum for the last 8 years. It has been a great private place for us to ch...
It would be good to know if our forum is one that will be moved over and able to continue? We used to pay to have the forum ad free years a...
I agree - this is a great forum, the best we've come across. I think now more than ever, we need more options for on-line communication. We wo...
Hello. Please transfer two forums to your server lactation-collection.2318262.n4.nabble.com/ lesbian-strapon.2360586.n4.nabble.com/ They w...
Unfortunately, both sites are not suitable for placing ads, if I do so, Google will penalty us and besides that they are occupying a large amount ...
Several years ago it was possible to pay for sites. Isn't it time to return this opportunity?
The problem is that most people are not willing to pay for that if we ask for money only a tyne portion of the users will accept to pay something ...
- deleted -
yo tambien estoi dispuesto a pagar algo. tengo 8 foros con ustedes. ¿Cuánto tendrías que pagar por los 8 foros?
yo tambien estoi dispuesto a pagar algo . tengo 8 foros con ustedes . Cuanto tendria que pagar por los 8 foros ?
How about voluntary subscription for the month of August. $5 / $10 / $15 / $20 Would just need a way to send payment. Could send out an u...
Maybe you should provide a choice? Now you are just closing sites that have existed for years, which have thousands of members, tens and hundreds ...
Nabble is running on a loss, if things do not get better in the next few months we have to close the company and shut down all the servers.
Those that are not willing to pay would/could have their sites removed. A fair and reasonable amount paid by those willing could possibly be the a...
Yes, even us as a US nonprofit where Nabble removed ads, I always felt guilty and even now taking up space, but I would like to save it to give ...
Franklin and Israel, you yet to answer how best for Brittany to offer her options so you can say yes or no, if you did not see this offer above f...
Franklin, My apologies, but I just now saw your post. I usually only come to the support page when my site has an issue, and since ads started...
There have been a few (including myself) that have asked to be put on the new server - is there any way to find out if this has happened/will happ...
Yes Patti, I too have asked, and would like to be put on as I see several want to, so Nabble it is helpful for someone to monitor? Who has theat ...
We are removing old abandoned sites, deleting spam posts and spammers, we're getting more free space by doing that. We didn't move any site to a...
Israel, you took off my ads as a US nonprofit, so do you put it back on or I? DO it and we will try to be active now again to help! Also tell ...
We're not going to place ads on your site. Everything will be as before at least for while.
Point was Google does not allow me to advertise and have affiliates, so it was good you said you won't! They give me $10k/month in ads, so I do c...
You should consider adding a donation button to your homepage. Inform everyone of the costs via email and see if you get a response.
We are thinking of it. Thanks!
Thank you! I kinda spoke forgetting I work w/Google's AdGrant and they have you connected to them thru my Google site, as every landing page I cr...
I've eliminated one that's called Occasion Parts, you can move me to your server
A me han eliminado uno que se llama Piezas de Ocasión , usted me puede pasar a su servidor
Hi Franklin, Looking at just your following points... Is the new forum software Blasma or another project? If, as you fear, no volunteers...
I am assuming Blasma. I don't think this will be an issue. I think everyone will easily fit on one server. No, I don't have the time ...
Franklin, Just a bit of insight from the other side if I may. I don't think u realize how good a product you have. Could it be better? Sure...
Let me second Rick's statement. I haven't used other forum applications, but Nabble works pretty well for me. And I'd like my forum, http://www....
I know how to run nabble on Linux VPS. I can setup your own nabble server with previous code version if you need. Feel free to contact me directly
I've just sent you an email
If that's to me, I got it and responded. Thanks!
Hello all!    You are making good sense to try to collectively make this survive if this is truly what all want, for yes Nabble is worthy of al...
I think most of humanity has degenerated into trash and needs to die before things can improve. But that is God's problem, not mine. I am a prog...
Now I understand what you were driving at in your initial post! Please would you email me contact details for your sysadmin.
Hi Franklin, I am requesting that our forum please be migrated to your new server. If there is a fee, please advise and I will remit it. I ...
On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:13 PM Severino [via Nabble Support] < ml+s1n7606230h99@...> wrote: > Hi Franklin, > > I am requesti...
Hi, I just learned about this. I have two forums that I would like to see continued on Nabble or its replacement. http://es-forum.com/ ht...
Yes they have a nice clear layout Marc, and Please note, we are revamping ours to utilize a good layout like that, and explore your updates to s...
Hi Gary, It wasn't! You failed to spot the " In reply to this post by fffilimnov" Threaded View is very useful when you see &q...
Hi Franklin, I have been with Nabble since 2011 I think. Whilst we work out what to do, could our forum http://the-rv-lithium-project.2301966.n4.n...
Are all active boards going to be transferred to your server? Or do we have to do anything. Thx.
Hi Franklin, This is very sad news, I really like the nabble forum I have on my site. I am happy to offer some financial assistance if neede...
Hello Nabble, I too did not save for I thought you would give us notice? PLease advise when have time, kara ... ...
Hello. I've worked on Nabble between 2012 and 2014, I could write a book about this wonderful experience. I really loved this company and its serv...
Hi Pedro, yes, I remember asking a couple of questions and receiving answers from you, long time ago... As you seem to have the most cur...
How much time do we have to find an alternative?
Hi Pedro, Actually, your last post appears to have been Feb 04, 2015! Great to see your name pop up. I have emailed you via your new login.
Will, I'm sorry to hear you want Isreal to find money, meaning you may want to keep it going, but if he can't find it then it would be nice for yo...
Oh no!! Nabble is the only forum I have found that allows you to use email as well as online. My members really like this format!! I am one wh...
I'm sorry to see Nabble go, and that the future software has currently been discontinued. Thank you for offering such a great service. It's truly ...
Hello, could you put my forum on your server? It would be sad to suddenly say goodbye, because people have already got used to it. Please :) Fo...
Well Franklin, that's a bummer. I've got u guys as my forum page at Cyclevisor.com. I don't know code, heck, it's a struggle just keeping...