(Surf Canyon) syntax for the search field at Nabble home page

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(Surf Canyon) syntax for the search field at Nabble home page

Graham Perrin
Just getting my head around the use of Surf Canyon (instead of Google) for Nabble search results.

Briefly, what's the syntax like? Is the syntax more like Google's, or more like Nabble's?

(No answer at <http://www.surfcanyon.com/faq.jsp>.)

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Re: (Surf Canyon) syntax for the search field at Nabble home page

Hello Graham - I'm at Surf Canyon and would be glad to help. If by syntax you're referring to the query syntax (Boolean operators, quotes and stuff like that), it should work the same as Google. For example ...

"new york" -yankees

... should work fine. Please let me know if I'm not understanding your question. Thanks!


P.S. What does TIA mean?