Suggestions for Nabble

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Suggestions for Nabble

First thing you should know is that I am sorry if this is the wrong forum. I could not find a "Nabble Suggestions" forum.

1. Maybe a setting that will let you select how many posts are required for a topic to be "Hot"
2. Ability to shutdown the forum temporarily
3. Ability to post announcements
4. Ability to set a certain logo for certain ranks
5. Certain ranks have stars (Ex: Members will have 1 gold star above it)
6. Ability to add a "Portal" page
7. "PM" system
8. Ability to change/modify "skins"
9. Reputation system (Ex: A vote up and vote down button for every member. On their profile, there is a section that shows their reputation score like -5 or 0 or +5)
10. Ability to have a blurb and status feed

Thank you for reading. Admins, I hope your consider these features.
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Re: Suggestions for Nabble

PM, system is in need! Priority number one i think.
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Re: Suggestions for Nabble

Thank you for the support.
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Re: Suggestions for Nabble

In reply to this post by Evildaddy
Evildaddy wrote
1. Maybe a setting that will let you select how many posts are required for a topic to be "Hot"
Define "hot".
# Topics with most people adding to their starred items?
# Greatest number of replies?
# Most replies in last week?
Something else?
2. Ability to shutdown the forum temporarily
Just change permissions so no one (even registered members) can view the forum.
3. Ability to post announcements
Lock a topic or create a special sub-forum for announcements and change permissions so no one can reply in that sub forum.
4. Ability to set a certain logo for certain ranks
5. Certain ranks have stars (Ex: Members will have 1 gold star above it)
6. Ability to add a "Portal" page
Embed you forum!
7. "PM" system
What's wrong with emails! :-)
8. Ability to change/modify "skins"
Check out all the applications, CSS options, and embedding.
9. Reputation system (Ex: A vote up and vote down button for every member. On their profile, there is a section that shows their reputation score like -5 or 0 or +5)
Why bother? Let people form their own opinions of who the idiots are!
10. Ability to have a blurb and status feed
Now you've lost me! I don't understand that jargon!
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Suggestions for Nabble

"Define "hot".
# Topics with most people adding to their starred items?
# Greatest number of replies?
# Most replies in last week?
Something else? "

Greatest number of replies.

"Now you've lost me! I don't understand that jargon!"

An option to display a biography. Never mind about the status feed....