Sub-forum now invisible

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Sub-forum now invisible

I have a forum at;cid=1286140049817-567 (I'm trusting you can decipher that) that has a sub-forum called The Closed-Door Meeting.  Permissions were set so that anyone could see the forum was there and could see topic subject lines, but only approved members could read the body of the posts or respond to them.

Since the change in the way permissions work, the sub-forum doesn't show up at all.  I found a link to it so I know it still exists, and I even tried changing some permissions just to make it appear again, but so far I've had no luck at all.

Is there a trick I'm missing?

I also seem to be having intermittant luck logging in.  For example, even though I have my username showing in the upper-right of my browser window, it also says "Login" and I have the "check that you are a human" captcha displayed.  This happens regardless of whether I use IE, Firefox, or Chrome.
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Re: Sub-forum now invisible

Ah, never mind.  I see my main question has been answered in a different thread:

In reply to this post by Admin Goliath
The problem is that the front page of your forum shows the first topics of each subcategory. Since those missing subcategories are private, we have to hide them from the homepage so that other users don't see their private topics. I know that you have access to them, so showing the topics just for you would be fine, but we have cached pages and all users must see the same page for performance reasons. If you don't care if people see just the topic subject on the front page (as long as they can't open those posts and read), you may change this logic when we release the templates feature in the future.