Facing segmentation fault issue reported at lh_retrieve function of OpenSSL on client side. Following the trace of core dump:
=>[1] lh_retrieve(0x40a3d8, 0xfe8fad18, 0x7269635f, 0x255dcc, 0x394400, 0x40a594), at 0x254ba4
[2] int_thread_get_item(0xfe8fad18, 0x190, 0x0, 0x347000, 0x255dd8, 0x331300), at 0x255f44
[3] ERR_get_state(0xfe8faf08, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x331300, 0x394400), at 0x2570ac
[4] ERR_clear_error(0x0, 0x400b50, 0x391c00, 0xfe8fae88, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x256708
[5] ssl3_get_server_certificate(0x3ca8b8, 0x0, 0x5106dc, 0x404fa0, 0xf1d, 0x500), at 0x22ffa8
[6] ssl3_connect(0x3ca8b8, 0x0, 0x4be6f0, 0xfffe7960, 0x1, 0x1130), at 0x22f214
[7] tcp_connect(0x47e5b8, 0x3a2284, 0x4942e4, 0x1bb, 0x4815cc, 0x1d8f50), at 0x1da974
[8] soap_try_connect_command(0x47e5b8, 0x7d0, 0x3a2284, 0x31a830, 0xff00, 0x80808080), at 0x207be0
[9] soap_connect_command(0x47e5b8, 0x7d0, 0x3a2284, 0x31a830, 0x0, 0x47e5b8), at 0x207860
[10] soap_connect(0x47e5b8, 0x3a2284, 0x31a830, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x419c38), at 0x207688
[11] soap_call___CL14__isComplete(0x47e5b8, 0x3a2284, 0x0, 0xfe8fb990, 0xfed42200, 0xfe8fb960), at 0xc6500
[12] CLICSLSearchAxis2ServiceSOAPBinding::__CL14__isComplete(0xfe8fb960, 0xfe8fb990, 0x3c, 0x0, 0xfe8fbc18, 0xfe8fb990), at 0x667f8
[13] LteMgrCallbacks::cb_browse_csl(0xffbff9e8, 0xfe8fbd80, 0xfe8fbc80, 0xfe8fbd70, 0xffbff9e8, 0x39b688), at 0x62684
[14] CliDclSpecificCB<LteMgrCallbacks>::call(0x39b688, 0xfe8fbd80, 0x1, 0xff34a2b8, 0x3a4408, 0xfe8fbd80), at 0x325d0
[15] 0xff369428(0xffbff9e8, 0x3a4408, 0xfeec3800, 0x0, 0xfed42200, 0x419a20), at 0xff369428
[16] 0xff365420(0x419a20, 0x3a4408, 0xff38d99c, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfe8fbef0), at 0xff365420
[17] 0xff3650cc(0x419abc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfed42200, 0x1), at 0xff3650cc
[18] 0xff302a70(0x419abc, 0xfe8fc000, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff302a54, 0x0), at 0xff302a70
Only once the soap instance is initialized on client side in a function scope and several web-services are invoked using it. With a single user usage, it works fine. No core dump is observered. But when the same functionality is used in multi-user mode, the core-dump is oberserved few times. Please let me know if any body has knowledge on such a issue.