With <
http://n2.nabble.com/forum/Search.jtp?query=author%3A%22nvidia%22&sort=date&local=y&forum=1936685&daterange=0> as a starting point, selecting five at random from your ten most recent posts, no problem with those five.
Most recent <
http://n2.nabble.com/test-post-tt2593528.html#a2593528> looks OK from here at the moment.
Do any posts appear to be missing now? If so, can you recall the subject of any one or more?
Rewind to when messages appeared to be missing: were you taking the <
http://n2.nabble.com/geotools-gt2-users-f1936685.html> view of topics? Or were you within a single topic, and not finding your message therein?
Graham (Nabble user)